Friday, October 26, 2012

40 Weeks

Tomorrow is my due date & I am still anxiously and very impatiently waiting for baby Lucy to make her arrival. I ended up scheduling a c-section for November 1st. I know not everyone approves or understands but it has actually brought me some peace. I feel like things are in God's hands. I am hoping that Lucy will come before November 1st and that I will be able to get a vbac but if she doesn't I at least will be more mentally prepared for the c-section.

This week started out very roughly. I had a ultrasound Mon. morning (Lucy is still a girl, still head down & they guess her weight to be about 7 pounds), I watched Tara's boys Tues. morning & then I had my dr's appointment Wed. morning (still 3cm & 70%effaced) plus I was tutoring each of those afternoons. It left me feeling stressed and exhausted and very temperamental. I felt like devil mommy and I am so glad Lucy didn't arrive then.

However, this week is ending very nicely. Thursday I was going to be crazy and sub but I decided not to and am SO glad I didn't sub. I took the boys to the Riparian Preserve and we had such a great time. The weather was perfect and my boys were so happy, I didn't feel like devil mommy any more. Then today, we went to Freestone Park and once again had a great morning together. I know we're gonna be broke but it was so worth it. Now I am "officially" done working (tutoring and subbing), the house is clean, the dishes and laundry are in done so I am just playing the waiting game. Hoping she comes soon because I don't want to spend too much time not making money without enjoying my baby Lucy.

And of course I didn't take any pictures on my outings but here are two random pictures of my cute boys:


  1. wow Jenny, you're really moving along! So hard to believe you're gonna be a Mom of 3 in a week or so! Can I visit you at the hospital?

  2. Can't wait to meet baby! Hope everything goes well!
