Friday, August 10, 2012

An Eventful Week

Lately boys love watching their daddy play "Super Mario Brothers." As you can see Steven literally sits on the edge of his seat while he watches. He gets very nervous for his daddy.

Rebecca had her baby on Monday and it was so exciting to meet my new nephew, Oliver Michael. He's a cute little guy but his poor mommy is having a rough recovery. The things us mommies go through for our babies!

Steven painted Oliver a picture and was super excited to meet him but was sad he couldn't hold him. He's not deemed trustworthy yet.

I turned 27 on Wednesday. I got an amazing, in-home massage in the morning. It was my first ever massage in my 27 years of life and it felt great. I did feel sore the next day but I think that was due to all the knots she had to work out of me. 

My mom was nice enough to buy lunch for me and then for dinner I went out to Red Robins to get my free birthday burger. My boys, Tyler and my parents joined me.

After dinner I went to visit baby Oliver again and then I came home and opened presents with Tyler and my boys. I got some maternity clothes and a new clock for our living room since our old one broke. It was really a rather laid back day.

Steven went to the dentist for a check up and cleaning on Thursday and Ben came along to to watch. Steven was really excited to go again which makes me happy that he isn't scared of the dentist yet. The dentist office that we go to is SO kid friendly and they really are great with my boys.

Steven's teeth are in perfect order which is great because we already maxed out his insurance on our last visit. And Ben had fun watching Steven get his teeth cleaned and "counted" and he also enjoyed having the hygienist dote on him. However, he didn't want to have a turn sitting in the chair. Maybe it reminds him of shots somehow...?

Both boys were so good and they were able to pick a prize out of the treasure chest. Ben picked out a pink dinosaur and Steven picked out a star wand. Such manly choices. Here's Steven showing off his clean teeth and both boys showing off their prizes that night. 


1 comment:

  1. It always feels funny being so pregnant and holding a newborn. You hafta remember you lose the belly when YOUR baby comes and it won't feel so akward. That's great Steven's teeth are healthy and I'm glad you liked that massage!
