With us having a need for a bunk bed, 2 twin mattresses and sheets & comforters too, we immediately contacted the person and thankfully we got it! I really wasn't wanting to take a lot of money out of savings to buy all these things and if we had got everything new--we would have spent much more than this and probably gotten a lesser quality bed. I can't wait until Tyler gets it all put back together again and my boys get to be bunk buddies! However, school did start for Tyler today so it may be awhile before that happens...
Also this week using a gift card I got for my birthday I purchased the "Tremors: Attack Pack":
Yes, I am a geek. Tyler & I watched the second one on Netflix and I was surprised by how entertained I was by it. I was also reminded how nice it is to watch a movie with my hubby. Lately all the things I had been watching on Netflix were not things that Tyler wanted to watch with me. This brought to light how much I missed just hanging with my husband in the evenings. So it's time for me to part with all my chick flick TV shows and now I'm watching "White Collar" which is a show we both can enjoy together.
Anywho, now I own all 4 Tremor DVD's. Anyone want to join me in a Tremor's marathon?
I would totally join you for a Tremors marathon! Love those movies!