Monday, February 20, 2012

A Hike

I never realized that a hike could be so traumatic for a toddler boy. Dirt, rocks, fresh air- what more could they ask for? Well...apparently the rocky terrain makes them nervous to walk on and being carried on someone's back is equivalent to torture. After going about half way up San Tan Mountain listening to sporadic screams and cries, I decided I couldn't endure it any longer. So I told my parents, brother & Steven to carry on and Ben and I would head back down.

LONGEST journey of my life. Pretty much the only time he wasn't screaming and crying was when we were not moving. He desperately wanted me to carry him (not in a backpack but in my arms) all the way back. 

When we reached the bottom we sat down and I properly melted down. My mom, not too much later, joined me. She wasn't willing to climb slippery rocks with the boys. And for some reason Ben was suddenly a-ok with being in the backpack. 

So we trooped around the bottom of the mountain until my dad, brother & Steven returned from their adventure to the top.

Thankfully they took pictures so I could enjoy the top vicariously:

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