Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hello February!

Recent Positives For Me:

-My Wi-Fi has mysteriously started working on my computer again! Yeah to no more sharing computers with Tyler (I'm not very good at it).
-My back has also been feeling MUCH better after a week hiatus from running. Hopefully it will  still feel great when I go running again tomorrow! 
-And I got an excellent rating from a teacher I don't know on my sub website. Teachers can rate us on the website but typically they don't cause it's too much effort. SO, the only ones who had rated me to this point were ones I knew. Anyways, now I finally have an excellent rating from someone who doesn't even know me personally. Feels great!

2 Silly Steven Stories: 

-I was over at my mom's house and was sitting with her chatting when I hear Steven call from the playroom, "Come sit with me grills!" If you don't already know "grills" translates into "girls" in Steven language. It was pretty cute and comforting to know that despite our motherly status, he still acknowledges that we are girls.
- The other day Steven insisted that I do "The 5 Little Piggies" to his cute little toes. Afterwards he commented, " Mommy, why does the piggies say wee,wee? Piggies don't say wee, wee they say oink, oink." Such a smarty pants ;)

And Ben:
-His drool has been on and off this week but mostly off. I'm hoping that he is indeed outgrowing it.
- He also has recently taken to saying, "heh, heh." Hard to type but basically he sounds like the bully on the Simpson's. It's pretty funny.

And The Negative:
- Tyler's Great Aunt Ruth & Great Uncle Gerald were killed in a private plane crash this weekend in Show Low. Their 2 children (his 2nd cousins? I'm not sure what they are considered to Tyler) were also in the crash and are in critical condition. These are the owners of Hatch Motors in Snow Flake- the nice people who gave us a great deal on my Chrysler long ago. 

Something like this makes you appreciate life and realize how fragile it is. This has also made me resolve never to step foot in a private plane. Way too many of those are crashing lately. Their family is definitely in our prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I am so sorry to hear about their death and the others' condition. My sister's grandma-in-law passed away this weekend and her widowed husband is NOT taking it well. He said, "My heart hurts." I truly do appreciate each day and try to live as if it's my last- making sure the people I love know I love them.
