Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Heart Day!

The day before Valentine's Day Tyler's family had a big bash to celebrate. It was full of fondue, Valentines and sugar cookies.

 Can you believe my eyes are closed in this pic?

 Steven is super thrilled about his Valentine.

 Such a happy mess!

 Daddy sharing some of his mad cooking skills with Ben

 Icing mustache!

I'm so messy!

 All the boys showing off their Valentines

And on Valentines Day... Uneventful. I had a sub job and tutoring (though I did send heart shaped sandwiches and pizza with the boys to grandma's house). And Tyler had school and then he managed to catch the stomach bug I had Sunday and was sick all night. So unromantic! 

But even in sickness he was sweet enough to get me a Precious Moment of my favorite princess, Belle! And of course some delicious chocolate. Happy heart day for me :)

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