Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Teeth

Originally Steven was scheduled to get 5 cavities and 5 crowns at 11am today- they had an opening and the new time became 6am. Early. I staggered out of bed, threw my child, PJs & all, into the car and off we went. I think I might have been a bit more nervous than him...

The first step was a shot in his arm as he sat in my lap. His biggest complaint with that was the band-aid they put on. He is so weird about band-aids. After a few minutes after the shot his eyes got droopy and his body got limp and he was out. The anesthesiologist then carried him back and it was my job to wait.

While I waited he was given an IV, hooked up to machines and the dentist got down to business. When we were finally reunited he was out cold, asleep in their recovery room, mouth gaping open to reveal his new silvers.

However, while he was sleeping peacefully, I realized there was a reason I was more nervous than him about it all... A lovely scorpion decided to crawl across my foot in that recovery room- scared the bejeebies out of me! But I remained calm enough to shake it off and squash that sucker! So proud of myself :)

And Steven, he survived the dentist, and has mouth full of clean teeth (Let's hope it stays that way since he maxed out his dental). Here his is showing off his new teeth, 3 silver molars and 2 perfectly crowned front teeth. Doesn't he look happy about it?

He photographs so well doesn't he...?

1 comment:

  1. you sure aren't having good luck at that dentist office! 6am and a scorpion. yuck. anyway, i'm glad you survived and i hope he isn't too sore for his awesome party today!
