I can't believe February is almost over already! Another week has bit the dust and left our pockets even emptier. Monday I was headed to my brother's house so we could FINALLY run- it's been weeks! Of course, wouldn't you know, I couldn't back out of the driveway because I had a major flat tire. It was unfixable which meant buying a new tire. Lousiness.
Also this week preschool was at my house. I think it went smashingly well. We read Green Eggs & Ham and then made our own (unedible) ones using shaving cream and glue. They turned out awesome. The kids also got to play with boats on our water table indoors because Sam I Am "would not, could not in a boat."
The second day we read If You Give A Mouse a Cookie and made our own little mice and had cookies for snack time of course. No pictures for that day but still fun!

Ben loved the play-doh center:
Another highlight of this week is my growing garden. It has produced me some pretty good sized carrots and some peas now too! It is so fun being able to eat food from my own backyard!
I now have an additional student for tutoring who comes in for 2 sessions. That means I am teaching a total of 8 sessions a week! It's excellent and I should be able to cut down subbing as soon as all these extra expenses stop raining down on us. I'm hoping our car stays "healthy" as do all of us!
Things to look forward to in March: my cousin is coming to visit AND Tyler & I get to go on a weekend getaway to Tucson to hear my fav band "Fun." So excited!