Sunday, June 2, 2024

Memorial Day

Monday was Memorial Day. I had wanted to go on an adventure but decided against it since the kids weren't into the idea and we had a bbq we would need to get back to. So instead I cleaned the house and did normal Monday things. For dinner we hosted a bbq at our beach and of course the weather was cold and windy- Michigan. The adults all sat huddled together under the ramada while the kids played out in the cold and some even went in to the water. All the ones that got in the water seemed to regret it. They were so cold. But Lucy still thought I was mean for not letting her go in the water. Melissa's husband made brisket and his famous pretzel buns and the rest of us brought the sides and desserts and drinks. It was a pretty low key gathering which is what I enjoy. Mariah came with her kids and as usual didn't interact with me and my friends- she just hung with her kids. We invited her over a couple times and I sat with her for a bit. My overthinking ways make me feel like she doesn't like me or I alternately feel bad that she is by herself. I probably just need to stop reading too much into it.

Wednesday we met my friend Julie at Innovation Park. She is soooo social and had invited all the people from various circles she has- church, neighborhood, homeschool co-ops, nature center meets...She has been inviting me every Wednesday for weeks so I was glad we were finally able to make it but unfortunately as nice as she is, I am not sure we will go again. My kids had no interest in meeting new people and basically hovered around me the whole time. Julie was fairly good at keeping me from feeling left out but it was still a bit more peopley than I like. I like hanging with her but I prefer in a smaller group and honestly, a group that has friends for my kids.

Wednesday night the boys went to their activity and the girls and I went for a walk in the neighborhood and stopped at the beach for a bit to play. Lucy dipped her toes in the water and happened to find the bracelet that Jessie had lost on Memorial Day. Is it gross that the water is that stagnant or is it a bit of a miracle that it was still there?

Thursday morning Ben and I had a phone call with his high school counselor and with her help we planned out his classes. He is just going to take all the basic level courses which I think is best for his anxious personality and then spanish and team sports. The counselor was nice and said they would try to get him in a class with Andrea since he is new to the district. Not sure if I mentioned that before, but Caroline has decided to enroll Andrea in public school again and wants to put her at Northern with Ben. She keeps changing her mind so I am not 100% it will stick but it would be nice for them to be in school together. 

After the counselor phone call I was able to go on a walk with Grace. I really enjoy our walks, she always has good advice and thoughts on things. She is so similar to me that she can totally understand but also she can catch me when I am overthinking things too much. That evening the girls had their last soccer practice. I sat in the car and alternated between watching a show and reading a book. Sometimes I think I might be a bit ADD because my attention span is very short these days. 

Friday we met some friends at the beach. None of Ben's friends could hang so it was just the girl's friends but Mariah came too so Ben spent a lot of the time playing with her kids. That meant I needed to watch Ruby this time. Ruby's not too challenging but she does love to eat sandy things way too much. 

Saturday morning the girls had their last soccer game. Lucy's Young Women leaders were nice and came to watch her. They must have been good luck because this was the first game that Lucy and Penny's team won the whole season- 3 to 2. I am honestly just glad this soccer season is over. Their coach this season was new and had temper issues and also had some scheduling issues with practice. Their team was not as cohesive as their last one and some of the parents on the group chat were slightly irritating. I think this was our last year with this league. Lucy is done with soccer so we will probably just put Penny in CW3 which will be closer to home. 

The rest of my Saturday was fairly uneventful. Just me taking care of Ruby while everybody else did their own thing. Tyler was getting all his tools out of his tent (which he calls "tent city) and into his shed. Tent City is now gone. Lucy spent the rest of the day with her best buddy Claire. Steven spent most of the day with his friend Max. Ben had a caddie job that lasted until early afternoon. This time he got to ride on a golf cart or tag behind it and help keep the clubs clean and such things. He made $72 for the day! And Penny was lazing about the house for the day.

Ruby is still hit or miss with sleep but only one night this week where her large saucer eyes were wide awake in the early am and some hefty rocking and cuddling managed to get her to sleep. 

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