Sunday I didn't have to teach my primary class, my partner did, but the kids were irreverent again. There's one in particular who wants to make everything a joke and does not understand when it is appropriate and when it is not. He is frustrating. After church Ben had his very last soccer game. It was against a team they had lost to before- the only team they have lost to this season. Unfortunately they did not win. They were winning but in the last 10 minutes the other team scored two goals and they ended up with a tie- 3 to 3. It was a warm day and I had my own struggles with the kids. First off Lucy accidentally kicked Penny's Gatorade and it spilled all over Penny. Penny was an emotional wreck over this but we did the best we could with wipies. Then Steven decided to tip too far back in the camper chair with Ruby and it completely tipped over. He did not save Ruby and she managed to literally eat dirt. A nice man next to Steven,jumped over to help him up. Ruby, thankfully, was not emotional and so we just had to work hard to clean the dirt out of her mouth and face. And to top off the fun, it started thundering so Lucy started panicking and curled up in fetal position crying. The lightening was super far off, it wasn't even raining where we were. We have got to work on this irrational fear of hers. In conclusion... it was definitely not the most delightful game we've been to...
This week the kids all finished their school work. Ben and Penny finished it pretty early in the week and Lucy was done by Friday. It is a relief to have the work done but I realized that that means they now all have a lot of time on their hands. We don't have much going on until the end of June so hopefully I won't get complaints of boredom already. Monday evening Ben had his parents vs kids soccer game to finish up the season. They went to ice cream after and Tyler got to listen to the other parents judge a kid that left after getting his ice cream- they really frowned upon that. There was one year that we had to do that because we had other things going on and it makes me wonder what they said about us. This might be the last season with this team since Ben will be in high school in the Fall and hopefully on the soccer team there.

Tuesday when picking up groceries we saw someone getting a little baby pool loaded into their car so we decided we needed to run in and get one too. Ruby enjoyed her outside bath with Lucy. She also enjoys just playing in it when it is filled up with various toys. It sure is nice for trapping her for a little bit but of course she already knows how to get in and out of it.
Tuesday is also the cheap day at the theater so Tyler and I went to see the new Planet of the Apes movie while the kids babysat. The graphics were pretty amazing and the plot was entertaining enough that it was a good escape. The kids did really good watching Ruby too so that was nice since we ususally don't go out for that long.
Wednesday we met Mimi and her mom at our beach. The weather was perfect for a beach day and the kids all had a good time. The girls had fun together and Ben was really good and entertained Ruby for most of the outing. He built sandcastles all around Ruby while she chewed on her shovel and ate more sand than she should. He also pushed her on the swing for awhile. We didn't have a swim diaper yet so I didn't let him take her in the water. Meanwhile, Penny gave Mimi a mermaid fin.
Wednesday afternoon/early evening Steven went to celebrate his friend's birthday and then they went to church activities together.
Steven being at the party, meant I had to drive the rest of the kids to the church for activities that night. I hung out in the car while they had their activities but Grace called me while I was in the car. She was worried that Melissa was angry at her. It was interesting that just before she called I had read a post about not making assumptions and it felt like that was the best advice I could give her. I think everything will be ok if they can just ignore their teenage daughters who seem to want to stir the pot.
Thursday I let Steven stay home from school since most 10th graders were at a Cedar Point field trip that he didn't want to go on (he says when he rides on a roller coaster he cannot breath). I told him if he was going to stay home he couldn't cause problems with his siblings and his top priority would be to help me with Ruby. He actually did really well and it was really nice to have him home from once. He watched her while I went to the Dr's for my annual check up. Everyone at my doctor's office is so nice and I tend to overshare and just generally talk too much but they don't seem to mind too much. I am grateful I found this office.
Friday we did another beach day. This time Luna and Geli came, in addition to Mimi and her mom. Luna and Geli's mom had a dead battery so she had to get that jumpstarted and go get a new one while we were at the beach. Also, this time, I had a swim diaper for Ruby so she got to go into the water with Ben. I wish she would wear a hat since she can't wear sunscreen but she immediately pulls it off- even when I cinch it on. She hates things on her head. The kids all had a good time. Lucy and Geli even took our kids' kayaks out in the water so they could float around and chat.
Saturday Ben had his first caddie job of the season and he went with Andrea- they got to be on the same loop. He made $58, not bad for a 14 year old. Steven went to Max's for the day and was all worried about driving their without Google maps since Ben had the phone. I printed him off some directions-old school- and he got there just fine. After Ruby woke up from her first nap, the girls and I went to Ikea to get some sand shovels. I know most people go there for furniture but they have the best shovels and they are only 99cents. We have never had one break- instead my kids have slowly lost the ones we had to the lake. Now we have a new stash and the girls and I had a good time strolling the store and getting a little treat at the end.
That night I went and got ice cream with my friends. The drama between Grace and Melissa was truly non-existent- it was just their girls making drama. The conversation was mostly us venting about kids. I also finally found out what happened to our Traverse's taillight. I happened to mention it and Melissa said that her neighbor across the street had their mailbox hit and there was a broken taillight next to it after Steven had picked up AJ. I wish she had made the connection sooner but whatever. We had to have a big conversation with Steven about getting out of the car when you hit something and taking responsibility. I swear this kid will be the death of me. I also learned that Caroline subbed for the twins of the guy that sold us a car. It was funny that the second she mentioned these twins I knew they were the same one. What a small world.
This week Ruby still had some issues sleeping and I am exhausted. I wish I knew what causes her not to sleep. She also mastered using her walker and it is really cute to watch her pushing it around.
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