Sunday, June 30, 2024


Monday morning Penny had her appointment to get her expander out. She was super thrilled to be done with it so she can talk more clearly and eat sticky things! She just has to wear a retainer at night now until all her teeth are lost and grown- then we can do braces. She bought herself some gum shortly after to celebrate :) After her appointment I called my doctor to find out if I needed some medical care for my super heavy menstrual bleeding. I was on the phone for ages between hold times and transfers, and in the end, I had a last min appt with my obgyn. I literally had 15 mins to get there so thank goodness the kids and Tyler were all home to watch Ruby. 

At the office, the dr did a check and acknowledged it was a lot of bleeding, then he prescribed me some medicine, and told me to schedule an ultrasound and get blood work done. The blood work all came back ok so I wasn't deficient in anything so that's good but my condition is still perplexing. It didn't let up until Saturday so it was just over a week of awfulness. I have the ultrasound scheduled for when I come back and hopefully I'll get some answers.

Tuesday Steven and I were supposed to go to the eye dr but they canceled on us- Dr's always seem to cancel on Steven. That was OK because I also had a dental appt that day so it was nice to only have one appt. The lady who cleans my teeth is always very chatty ( and I guess I am too) so it always takes a bit longer.  This time we talked about the weather we have to deal with when watching our kids' sports. 

Wednesday we met up with the Eakins and the Mays at our beach. The weather was just a touch on the cool side but the kids still had fun in the water. They are tougher than me.  The teens also took a walk to seven eleven at some point. I brought Ruby's little blue pool and filled it with beach water and that helped entertain her some and keep her out of trouble. I'm glad we've had more beach days this year, they help pass time. 

Thursday morning Steven went and got his physical. I ended up bringing Ruby with me and she did pretty well. The hardest thing is that she wants to crawl around (and those floors look gross) but she is usually content if I help her walk around. She honestly does pretty well as long as she can wiggle and eat. Steven had to get two shots and thankfully the doctor was young and pretty so he didn't cry about them.

Thurday afternoon the boys went and did archery at the library. It was too bad it wasn't a contest because they said they would have won if it was ;). I am just always glad when the teens (especially Steven) get out the house and hang with friends. Steven is on his computer way too much and it drives me bonkers. 

Friday evening we went to a graduation party. It was nice to get a free dinner for our family, lol. It was for the teen who cut himself while trying to sell me knives. We gave him bandaids and a $20 ;)

Saturday I got started with packing for our trip to Tennessee and other misc things related to the trip. That evening Grace watched Ruby and Penny while the rest of us met the Mays at MJR to watch "The Quiet Place: Day One". The movie itself was pretty good- they are always entertaining enough- I just feel like there are some inconsistencies in the franchise. 

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