Sunday, June 23, 2024

Youth Conference

Sunday was Father's Day. In the morning we made Tyler scrambled eggs for breakfast and spoiled him with gifts. He got a new bug assault gun from me (the widow maker), Lucy got him cotton candy soda, Ben got him a minecraft shirt and Penny got him a Lego Dumbledore Keychain.  At church Penny gave her first ever talk in sacrament. With her expander and nerves (that caused her to rush) she was a little difficult to understand but since I helped her write her talk,  I would say it was a good one. She talked about how her dad and Heavenly Father show her they love her by teaching her things (like how to scare her family ;) ). The rest of the day was naps and a delicious dinner of shepherds pie (something that won't choke him). Ruby was looking silly during dinner.

Monday the boys left super early to Youth Conference. They didn't come back until Friday evening. For Youth Conference they got to see church history sights in Ohio and New York. They stayed in cabins in upstate New York. Both boys seemed to have a good time. The Bishop stayed in a cabin with them which apparently led to push up competitions and a rock climbing race and other competitive things.  The weather was pretty hot and they had no a/c but surprisingly neither one complained too much about it and they both said the food was decent. Steven's favorite part was doing baptisms at the Palmyra temple and walking its grounds. He thought it was cool to see the chandelier in the Celestial room through a window. Ben's favorite part was visiting the Sacred Grove. He felt like it was a nice calming experience. They also had some cool ruins to explore near their cabins. Some of the pics from the week.

On Monday I had one of the youth from the Ward come and try to sell me Cutco knives. Really he was just practicing and I was very upfront that they were out of my budget. It was only slightly awkward and maybe even more awkward when he accidentally cut himself with one of the knives and started bleeding. He tried to fake that he was ok but eventually relented to me having Penny get him a bandaid. 

Tuesday Lucy hung out with Claire and Penny hung out with Reggie. At church this past Sunday I caught Penny writing a note that said  I heart Reggie.  She got super embarrassed when I brought it up so I won't tease her about it but I would also rather they just be friends. They have a lot of fun hanging out together and play really well together- no drama. Tuesday afternoon I took the girls to see "Inside Out 2". With the new emotion anxiety introduced, it felt pretty relatable. It was a good one. 

Wednesday we met the Eakins and Mays at our beach. Julie was there as well. We were going to go to the zoo but had decided it was much too hot for a zoo day. Tyler was off of work for Juneteenth so he stayed home since Ruby was still napping and he fed her lunch before bringing her to join us. It was really nice to just sit and chat with friends for a bit and not have to worry about a baby. Once she came she was crawling around and trying to eat literally everything she could find- rocks, trash, sticks...It became a little less fun for me. 

Thursday we met Mimi and her mom at the libray. For once Mimi's mom had actually text me with an invite and that was really nice. It is hard to always be the one reaching out. They didn't get quite as crazy as the last time we were there but Ruby was very active and required following. Honestly needing to follow her around, relieved me from making small talk with Mimi's mom. Her mom is super nice but I am not sure she would approve of my total weirdo, negative self so I have to try harder to be a normal person when talking to her, lol. Afterwards Penny went over to Reggie's for another hang out and the rest of us chilled at home. 

Friday Lucy hung with Claire and was lucky enough to sleep over at her house. This will be their last hang out for a bit because Claire is going on a mission trip and then we will have our Tennessee trip. This is very sad for Lucy. Also Friday, Penny, Ruby and I did some second hand shopping to try and find clothes for when we take pictures in Arizona. I don't want to spend a ton of money on new clothes but also it's hard to get a matching color scheme for 7 people with just what we have. It's an ordeal and I still think new clothes- for me- are in order.

Saturday we went to a baptism in the morning. It was a bit longer than I like- they had a slideshow of pics of the girl growing up. I don't know why this is such a thing. I feel like it is super cute but also irrelevant to the ordinance.  Although Penny was happy that she was featured with her friend in one of the pics. After the baptism I went to a puzzle competition at the library with Caroline and Grace. I was surprised by how many people were there and the variety of ages (kids to the elderly). Everyone was given the same 1000 piece puzzle (it had lots of different people reading books) and there were teams of 3 or 4 people. We did not win and I was not a fan of the team that did win. They were high enery people that were all matching and wearing green visors. They were not your typical puzzle people and I feel like they were a little too enthusiastic about their win. The librarian was also a little too high energy for me. My negative attitude was probably influenced by the fact that I am having a particularly bad menstruation cycle. It's been very very heavy and I probably will be calling the doctor this week about it.

Some cute pics of Ruby enjoying the outside this week and Ruby staring adoringly at Mariah the guinea pig.

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