Friday, November 24, 2023


The younger 3 were all off of school for the week and Tyler didn't have seminary. It was nice to not have to worry about school stuff and for Tyler to not have to prep lessons.  Poor Steven had school all the way up to Thanksgiving though. Monday I was able to do some cleaning and start on the path of making our home Thanksgiving ready. 

Tuesday Lucy had a dermatologist appointment all the way out in Troy. I ended up taking Lucy and leaving Ruby with Tyler. I had regrets though because we ended up waiting for over an hour before even being called back and then a good 20 minutes more in the room. It was a long time to be away from Ruby and both Lucy and I were super aggravated. Finally we saw the dr. He was a quirky guy with a bow tie and he gave us the history of warts and then put some beetle juice on her 8 warts and covered them with tape. We are supposed to put Compound W on them and then come back in a couple months. I'm not very optimistic that this was worth all the energy. Her warts seem determined to thrive and multiply. 

Wednesday morning I woke up and got moving. Usually I struggle getting up and at it, so I was proud of myself. I was able to run a couple of errands before the stores got too crazy. Later I made some snacks for Thanksgiving day- muffins, pumpkin bread and my bean salsa. I also got started on the Thanksgiving decor- I decorated some brown paper "tablecloths". It was really nice to be crafty. My hobbies have died since Ruby and I've missed them. Lucy also helped with some Thanksgiving decor. 

Wednesday night Lucy had a volleyball game. Her friend Claire came with her mom. They are good people. It was nice to get to chat with Claire's mom since usually we are just dropping off kids with one another. Her mom is also not in love with Renassiance but her kids don't want to leave their friends so she said she will stick with it. I still don't know if I will stick with it or if we will do electives next year. My girls are also attached to their friends...

Thursday was awful. It is too hard to be my perfectionist, punctual hosting self with a baby who needs me to eat and sleep. I put out snacks for the kids, made sweet potatoes and made fancy Mac n cheese, and finished setting up all the tables and with the baby...I was not ready when everyone arrived (I needed to pump and Ruby was fussy) and that left me feeling like an anxious mess. It didn't help that Tyler felt the need to go outside and work on his shed for quite awhile. He did make the turkey so I shouldn't complain too much. Anyways, the tablecloths were a hit and the food was all good and I think everyone else had a good time, even if I was a stressed out mess. I think next year I would like to not host. But Ruby will be older so maybe it'll be less exhausting. Here are some pics from the day, some stolen from my friends Instagram.

Friday Lucy woke up ready to decorate the whole house without me. I had to calm her down because I'm a bit particular about where things should go BUT then it didn't take too long before she quit on me. Since all I did was decorate, it was a chill day. That was exactly what I needed after a stressful Thursday. Saturday was basically finishing up decorating and getting count downs ready for Christmas. We also watched Mariah's kids for a quick bit but it's always just a quick bit. She worries too much about being a burden. What she doesn't seem to remember is that we totally burdened her with babysitting our kids back when she was a teenager...

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