Saturday, December 2, 2023

Santa! I know him!

Sunday I had to teach the Relief Society lesson at church. I was super nervous- so nervous that my heart rate was 110. I felt like I was running a marathon. Overall the lesson ended up going well. People were nice and told me I did a good job. And my mention of Arizona got me to make a connection with a sister missionary who also graduated from Highland High School. Just like 20 years after me. The only real issue was a couple people with lousy comments. One person said that Christ told her to basically exclude someone. Uh, doubt that. And the other one kept jumping ahead and quoting things that I was going to get to. The annoying thing was that the quotes she was giving didn't have any thing to do with my questions so she was literally jumping ahead for no purpose. As much as I love teaching between the nerves and annoying comments, I am not sure I am cut out for being a Relief Society Teacher.

 Monday I went out to lunch with my friends. We all had a good vent and ate some good food but a part of me would've rather not have gone because I had lots I wanted to do that day.  Afterwards I went to pick up groceries from Walmart and it turned to be quite the fiasco. All the spots were filled plus several more. I parked and watched as nobody moved. After a half hour and watching more cars line up and only seeing 2 cars move I decided it was not worth the wait- there were at least 12 cars ahead of me and I really needed to get home to feed Ruby. Instead, I decided to go into the store and see if I could cancel my order. The lady at customer service was extremely unhelpful and told me that grocery pick up was a seperate entity and she couldn't help me. I asked who could and she said she didn't know. So I went to see if anything had changed at pick-up but it was even worse. Eventually after messing around on the app and internet I called someone who said they would cancel it but when I checked my account later, it just said pending approval. Later that day I got an email saying my order was still watiting to be picked up so I sent Tyler to scout it out again. It was still a mess. That night as I was nursing Ruby an employee called asking me to pick it up. I tried to confirm that it would indeed be ready at arrival but she was shifty. But I sent Tyler anyways because I still wasn't sure they were going to cancel it and give me my money back. He was much more patient than me. He waited almost 3 hours before finally getting it at 10:45pm. Insane. I will never do grocery pick up on Cyber Monday again. And I definitely have some trust issues with Walmart now.

Tuesday I worked on some photo gifts for Tyler's family. I made a collage thing for his parents to put on their wall. It was such a hassle getting pictures from all his siblings and I don't know if she will like the style, it's a little old school, but whatever. Hopefully it's the thought that counts. I also ordered some pics for my own wall. I had just bought pics for this wall but I bought the pics before having Ruby and this deal just couldn't be beat. I might just update every Cyber Monday. 

Wednesday Tyler and I ran a few errands around lunchtime with Ruby. One was to go to Best Buys so we could get Steven a Steam giftcard. That place was pretty dead, pretty sure it's not long for this world...But we were impressed with how cheap TV's have become. Maybe it's time for a new one? We also went to Costco and got an amazing wreath for our front door. I feel like my compromise for having a fake tree, is that I always get a real wreath. 

Thursday I attempted to spend my Kohl's cash but their stock was low and the lines were long. I feel like they should start restocking after Black Friday or I should do all my winter clothes shopping before because it's just hard to find cute stuff after. I also went to Hobby Lobby and got some wrapping paper to give as neighbor gifts. I have run out of non-food ideas for neighbor gifts and am recycling old ones now. Thursday night was a rare night with nothing happening and I was tempted to go do the drive thru Christmas lights we always do but it felt too early and honestly, it was just nice to have a chill night with everyone home.

Friday the kids got their December 1st packages- a new tradition we are trying out. They got a Christmas shirt, Christmas socks, an advent calendar, Christmas tie/church outfit, hot cocoa packets, candy canes and then we got a new game, puzzle,craft and Christmas book for the family. I think this will work better than the countdown.

Later, after the kids finished their school work and Steven got home from school, we went to see Santa at the Bass Pro Shop. None of the kids believe in him anymore and so they said they didn't need to go see a fake Santa but I convinced them to go for Ruby. It was funny that even though they didn't believe, they still were asking me what they should ask him for before we got there. I love the Bass Pro Shop. We had no lines and walked right up to Santa and he was a really friendly Santa. Lucy commented to me afterwards that she liked this fake Santa. We ended up not having Ruby sit on his lap because I guess I just wanted to avoid the trauma but the picture turned out really cute. After seeing Santa we went to a couple shops in the mall so Lucy could find a gift for her friend. We ended up in a super long line at Burlington Coat Factory. I was glad Tyler was there to take Ruby on a walk or we would never have survived. When that was done we were all hungry so we got some food at Chili's. There's not one close to us anymore so it was a nice splurge but yeah, a definite splurge. It has gotten so expensive to eat out. The kids all did good though. I have found asking them random trivia questions helps pass waiting time.

Saturday Steven had an archery tournament in Portage- 2 hours away. I had wanted the whole family to tag along because there was a really cool market on the way there but Steven ended up making plans with Max for after the tournament so he did not like that idea. My kids and their social lives are ruining my fun. Anyways, he did better at this tournament- 225 (last time was 204). I hope he keeps on improving. Back at home everyone else got social too. Ben had Andrea over and Lucy went over to her friend's house. Penny and I got a smoothie to make up for being left out of everything.

Ruby was pretty awful this week. She went through a major sleep regression and we had several nights of her sleeping like a newborn, up every 2-3 hours and not napping well at all. It was so painful and I thought I might die. Thankfully she seems to be righting herself- hopefully I didn't just jinx that by saying that. However, instead of frequent wakings, after a feeding Friday night she was wide awake and just lay in her crib cooing for ages- not crying so eventually I fell asleep and apparently she did too. That wasn't super fun either. She is lucky she is so adorable.

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