Friday, November 17, 2023

Bunco, Volleyball

Time is rushing by and I cannot believe Thanksgiving is almost here. On Sunday Tyler took Penny, Lucy and Ben to Chicago. Brennen was there for a volleyball tournament with his sisters and parents. They left at 5am and didn't get back until 11pm so it was just Ruby, Steven and me for the day. Ruby was pretty good at church and these sweet older ladies passed her around for part of Relief Society. After church Steven was nice and watched Ruby while I took a nap and then later I got to video chat with my parents- usually my kids hog the phone ;)

Monday was another rough day. Ruby was uncooperative and lots on my plate to be done. Tuesday through Friday Ruby actually did pretty good. She actually took good naps and she took them in her bassinet instead of her swing, car seat, my arms...I was hoping it would stick but by Saturday she was back to her old, nap hating ways. She is exhausting.

Tuesday I ran some errands with Ruby, looking for some new leggings. I think walmart has really upped its game in the clothing department. I struggled to stay focused on only leggings. Lots of cute tops and jackets there.  That night I went to Bunco. It was my first time back since having Ruby. It was a lot of fun and I even got 2 Buncos which won me a prize. Too bad I wasn't super interested in any of the prizes but that's usually how it goes for me. Although I had a good time, Ruby did not behave for Tyler. I think she goes to sleep better when I nurse her than when she's just given a bottle. Bummer. 

Wednesday after school work was done, Penny and I ran a couple errands. With life being busy we're changing our Christmas count down (which consisted of 12 countdown things/activities) to a box full of fun things that they'll open up Dec 1st. Penny helped me get some chocolate advent calendars and things for it. She was excited to be in the know and have a secret to keep.  That night I picked Lucy up from volleyball. I was going to wait in the car but Ruby was fussy (it was close to bedtime) so I went in with her. We were immediately surrounded by a group of teen girls that were just in love with Ruby, lol.

Thursday Tyler and I had a nice little day date (with Ruby)- Culver's and Target. The rest of the day was pretty low key with no activities in the evening for once so we watched "Three Amigos" as a family.  We had to explain a lot of the jokes so I'm not sure the kids loved it... 

Friday Lucy had her first volleyball game and we took her friends, Claire and Brielle with us. Lucy's team lost the first 2 rounds but they did win the last round and half the points were due to Lucy's awesome serves. I sat with Stacey. Her daughter, Marin, held Ruby the whole time which was nice. Afterwards Lucy went and spent the night at Brielle's house. Lucy is always begging for sleepovers...even after I say no, and she is good at wearing me down. I am not a fan of sleepovers really at all but Tyler isn't against them so here we are. I guess I went on a lot of sleepovers as a teen and I turned out *relatively* normal.

Saturday Penny got to be my errand buddy again while the other kids all had various things with friends. That night I hung out with Grace, Caroline and Melissa for a bit. I didn't stay out too late because I didn't want Tyler to have a fussy baby on his hands but apparently any amount of time is a bit too much because he did have a fussy baby on his hands *sigh* I keep reminding myself that this won't last forever.

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