Friday, November 10, 2023


On Monday- and pretty much the rest of the week- Ruby was not good at taking naps. She would only nap with lots of rocking and effort on my part or with a car ride. I hate Mondays when she doesn't nap well. Those are always busy days with school work and a house that needs to be cleaned and groceries to pick up. Made me a stressy mess.

On Tuesday the kids had zoom meetings and Steven was off of school because it was Election Day. The girls ended up going to a Geli and Luna's house for the Zoom meetings and Ben had Andrea over here for the Zoom meetings. I think they all hated Zoom a little less since they had friends to endure it with. Tyler and I went on a little date at lunchtime, running an errand and picking up lunch. We are trying to be better at making time for each other during the week and I would say we did good this week.

On Wednesday Tyler took Penny to the Orthodontist. Looks like she needs 4 teeth pulled (2 permanent, 2 baby) and an expander. We scheduled the 2 permanent teeth to be pulled out in January and we are hoping the 2 baby teeth will fall out on their own soon. Poor Penny and her tiny mouth. In a few years, after all of her teeth have fallen out, they'll do braces. Waiting for the braces should keep us from having to double pay, like we'll some day have to do with Ben so he can have straight teeth. Wednesday night the kids had to go different directions so Tyler took the boys to their church activity and I took Lucy to volleyball with Penny and Ruby. Volleyball is better than soccer. It is indoors (nice and warm), it is loud (fussy baby won't bother anyone) and there are hallways to push the stroller down. Ruby did really well until near the end when she pooped (I had to change her in the hallway because high school bathrooms are not known for having changing tables) and then after that she started to get tired and fussy.

Thursday Tyler took the kids to school and brought Ruby along with him. I was actually able to fall back asleep and it was a really nice, lazy morning. Steven had a half day and was home by lunchtime so we took him with us on a quick Costco run. We got a present at Costco that the grandparents will be giving the kids- it's a tablet that you can do board/ardcade games on. I think the kids will have a lot of fun on it. Thursday night Steven had archery practice and was actually bugging his dad about getting there on time. It is so nice to have him in something that he actually wants to do.

Friday afternoon we had Lucy's friends over and her friend's brothers both came over too to hang out with Ben. I was glad that they finally let me host but also I am not the fun mom I was before Ruby. I tried though. I made some mini chocolate chip muffins for them and took them to seven eleven for treats. Hopefully that was enough sugar that they'll want to come back, lol. They did enjoy holding Ruby.

That night Lucy and Penny went to their friend's play, "Matilda Jr". Their friend's mom was nice and bought the tickets. She spoils my kids. While they were there, the boys and I watched "War of the Worlds". None of us loved that movie. But I still think it's fun having kids old enough to watch PG-13 movies.

Sat was a nice homebody day for me. Mostly trying to get bits of tasks done between feedings and trying to get Ruby to nap. Tyler took Steven to his first archery competition out in Grand Ledge. Steven wasn't thrilled about the long drive but he didn't complain too much. He did good but still has room for improvement. He scored 204. All bullseyes would be 300.I'm excited to see his progress.

And some random pics from the week...

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