Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Brady's Arrive!

It seems tradition that Saturday nights are rough so that going to church feels like a challenge. This past Saturday night was no different. Between Ruby waking up every 2 hours and me having a sore throat and headache, I was not in the best of moods. Then Ruby spit up on my church clothes and peed on hers so my mood only got worse. Somehow we still made it but I was not super friendly with others. 

Monday was a very Monday, Monday.  I thought I would be nice and plan a play date for Ben and Lucy but it backfired because they struggled to get work done and had some dramatic incidents with school work. I hate days like that. I reluctantly kept the play dates because they were too far in motion but I was so frustrated with my kids. 

Tuesday my sweet tooth got the best of me and I had to make some cookies AND go buy some candy corn. The kids appreciated that and I am sure their dentist does as well.

Wednesday I instituted a clip chart to help the kid's behavior with school work and at least worked for the first day. I was much less frustrated with them. Ruby even cooperated that day so I was able to clean out the guest room since my brother and his family were coming Friday. Also that day, Tyler went to go somewhere and discovered his Suburban had a flat tire. So frustrating because we need two cars when for when my brother's family arrives. That car has terrible timing. Thankfully the place we go to for tires had the tires Tyler wanted in stock and we got it fixed in time. 

Thursday was my weekly walk with Grace. This time Ruby decided to be a stinker and cried for the first part of it. I ended up taking her out of the stroller and holding her while Grace pushed the stroller. We went to the library and our friends Ashlee and Sasha were there too. It was fun to run into them. Thursday evening I reluctantly took the girls to soccer because Tyler needed to stick around to possibly pick up Steven from tennis and he wanted to work on his shed. While the girls had practice, I was too scared to take Ruby anywhere so we literally hung out in the car the whole time. She alternated from eating to fussy. Evenings are hard for Ruby.

Friday we met some friends at the park in the afternoon. It was 2 families from Renaissance. The moms are super nice but they also have known each other for awhile so I sometimes feel like the third wheel. And when I see their daughters interact with Lucy- Lucy also seems like an extra. She doesn't seem to care though... After the park I tidied up the house a bit so it would be ready for my brother's family. Their flight got delayed so they didn't make it in until after 9pm but I managed to stay up for them. It was so good to see all of them.

Saturday we had a chill morning since they had a late night plus were adjusting to a 3 hour time difference. Mecca and I made some delicious chicken salad for the week. Tyler took the girls to their soccer game- they lost :( Mike's girls got a chance to hold and adore Ruby. 

After lunch we loaded up and went to Belle Isle. Our first stop was the aquarium. The axolotl was definitely the biggest hit for all the kids. They also have an octopus now which I thought was super cool but too hard to get a pic of.

 After the aquarium we attempted to go to the museum but it was closed due to utility issues. So lame. So we went to a playground so I could nurse Ruby. I sat under a willow tree with Rebecca and Tyler while Mike played lava monster with the kids. He is a good uncle. Tyler is a bit lame. But I enjoyed chatting with Mecca and Tyler. When I finished feeding Ruby we went to the Nature Center. I had never been there before and it ended up being a hit with the kids. The inside had a lot of fun hands on things and the outside basically had nature that the kids could dig and play in. Ben and Emaline made a garden but when people kept stepping in it, they had to put up some security measures. Lucy and Lillian put up "barbed wire" around a structure.Penny made lots of dirt pies. It was a good time minus Steven whining that he wanted to go home...When we had enough of his complaints and the younger kids were ready, we headed back home and picked up some pizza on our way. 

Mike and Ben in matching shirts

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