Thursday, September 21, 2023

Retail Therapy and Things

The night before church was a rough night and I was sorely tempted to ditch church but I was good and didn't. However I did spend a good chunk of church chatting instead of listening to the speakers. I make a terrible student but there's something about newborn life that makes me desperate to talk to grown ups.

On Monday I had the kids do their "mega chores" and it reminded me how much I need their help with the housework. They may not clean quite like I do but it's enough to help me not feel like I'm living in a pigsty. I really appreciate their help. Also Monday Penny had an orthodontist appointment and the orthodontist changed her tune. Before she was saying that likely they would just pull teeth to make room. Now she is suggesting an expander and all the things.  Ugh. Tyler will be on paternity leave for Penny's next appointment so I'm going to make him go and make that decision. After the appointment, Penny and I did some thrift store shopping and we scored some fun things. She found a cute jean jacket with a cat hood and I found a Harvard shirt. I had almost bought one when I was in Boston with Tyler but they were so expensive. Here it was only $5- much cheaper souvenir, lol. After school Monday Steven had a tennis match and he won! He kept saying that the other team was just really bad but I am still proud of him. 

Tuesday I did some more retail therapy and bought Ruby some cute clothes using some of the money Tyler's parents had given us. It was nice to finally get her a few things that I picked out and extra nice to do it guilt free. That day the girls had to stay later at school for a reading assessment so Ben and I had some bonding time (with Ruby too). We went to the Dollar Tree and found some fun Halloween decorations and got a treat.  After school, Lucy got a much needed haircut from Grace. Her hair had really started to look Justin Biebery. Grace's daughter Isla talked our ear off the whole time, it was pretty cute. 

Wednesday Ben and Lucy went to Aiden and Brielle's house. Ben and Aiden made a cool video for extra credit about "irregular verbs". I was impressed. Lucy decided she needed more time with her friend and called me to beg for more time but we had church activities that night so it wasn't going to work. I had to deny her begging while she was on speaker phone with her friend, not very fun. 

Thursday I went for a walk with Grace and my bowels decided to have issues again. She was understanding and let me rush home while she helped get Ruby into the house for me. I'm glad my friends don't find my bowel issues awkward. Thursday evening was another traumatic evening at soccer with Ruby. She cried the whole way there. Then when I took her into the very quiet and echoey library to nurse her, she decided to cry very loudly and refuse to nurse. It was not fun and I a may hand over Thursday night soccer practices to Tyler for this season. 

Friday Caroline came over in the afternoon so we could catch up, it'd been too long. Ruby slept (on me) the whole time so we were able to have a good chat. Later I did a Costco run with Tyler and the girls. He went to get pizza while I grabbed some things. When I got to the self check out I could not for the life of me unzip the pocket in my wallet that had my Costco card. Thankfully an older lady managed to get it unzipped for me, made me feel pretty whimpy. 

Saturday the girls had an early soccer game so I made Tyler take them- mornings are hard. Apparently Lucy got pretty close to scoring some goals again- I think this will be the season she makes a goal! Ruby actually took a nice nap Saturday so I got some cleaning done and that felt good. That evening Tyler and I (and Ruby) got some dinner at Dickey's BBQ. It was a quick date but it was nice. With tennis, soccer, Tyler's projects, seminary and a baby I feel like we hardly see each other anymore... When we got home, I watched Jumanji with the kids- very nostalgic.

Some fun pics from the week...

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