Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Long's, Skyzone, Soccer

Sunday I went to church and stayed for the full 2 hours. Steven gave a talk and it was well done...but I am pretty sure Tyler wrote most of it for him. There was a lot of drama as we tried to help him with it the night before. Cherish and her girls came to church with us- just because. There were a lot of things she needed help understanding- temples, pre-mortal life, all the books we read out of (BofM, PGP, DC). You forget how unusual you are until you have someone new with you. Thankfully we didn't have too many crazy comments (just a couple) and she was not weirded out by the uniqueness, just curious. I did my best to explain and then I sent her some links that explained better. 

Monday was rough. The kids were not adjusting well to doing schoolwork. If the work was at all challenging they tried to a)cry their way out of it or b) rush their way through it. I feel like I'm not super emotionally stable right now so I'm not able to handle their emotional instability. 

Wednesday school work went a little more smoothly, probably because they had less to do. When they finished we went to Longs to get my fav doughnuts and then hit up Skyzone afterwards. At Skyzone we were literally the only ones there in the beginning- it was a little awkward feeling but also pretty great. I sent a text to Cherish and then her and her girls joined us so it felt a little less awkward.

Thursday I went on a walk with Grace and Ruby while the older kids were all in school. It was really nice to have a conversation with my friend without a crying/ nursing baby. We both got some good venting done and made plans to make it a weekly thing. 

Thursday evening I took the girls to soccer again but this time it did not go as well. I nursed Ruby in the car and then I had the  idea to go pick up a couple of things at Kroger's. Ruby fussed and cried throughout the store and my stomach decided it was a good time to cramp up. Somehow we got through the errand and then I nursed her in the car again. Thankfully my stomach calmed down and so did she. 

Friday we had a couple of Lucy's friends over. She is super social so I'm trying to have people over again so she's not always at other people's houses but I really struggle letting people in our bubble. Anyways, I worry a bit about Lucy's social skills. She got all pouty when her friends wanted to play something she didn't and kept trying to push them to do what she wanted to do. Plus she was super rude to Penny which you could tell her friends didn't like.  It was rough to watch. Maybe I should just let her go to friend's houses all the time so I don't have to watch...She did end up inviting herself to her friend's brother's birthday party that night. She is always inviting herself to things, it's awkward.

Saturday the girls had their soccer game in the morning and Ben had his in the afternoon. Somehow I couldn't get our clothes right for the weather. I thought it was going to be chilly that morning so we all wore pants and jackets. But then the sun came out and it was actually quite warm. So for Ben's game we put on shorts and brought baseball hats and it ended up being cloudy and cool. Stupid Michigan. I took Ruby to both games and for both games she nursed for the first half and then was super fussy for the second half. I had to walk and rock her. She's a hard baby to take out in public. Penny, Steven and Andrea all came out with me and Ruby for Ben's game and Penny took some zoomed in shots of Ben out on the field. Both the girls' team and Ben's team creamed the opposing team. Lucy almost scored a goal, Penny kept socializing on the field and Ben had some great blocks. 

And some cute pics of Ruby. She loves having her hands up while sleeping and she is always intently staring up at random spots on the wall- maybe she sees something we don't...

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