Sunday morning we had Mariah take pics of all of us in Northville- they have a cute historic village there. Getting there was a feat since Ruby decided to have an explosion right before we left but oddly once there, it was a lot of fun and one of my favorite moments of their visit. We got to do serious poses of course, but also we got a little silly- let's just say that there are some photos of piggy back riding and I may have almost peed myself due to laughing. Ruby was not super cooperative but that is to be expected. Matilda, on the other hand, really knows how to pose. She is adorable. I cannot wait to see the photo results. But here are a few pics I took. All the girls wore jean jackets for Poppy- except for Rebecca who does not have one. That might need to be rectified.

After the pictures, the kids played at a nearby park while I fed Ruby. Then we went home and turned on General Conference. With 9 kids under our roof watching it really didn't happen but maybe we soaked in some of it just by having it on. Later, after dinner, we walked to Scarlet's Park. Everyone had a head start on me because I needed to feed Ruby, but Mecca stayed behind to walk with me. The bugs were pretty bad when we were walking through the woods. At one point I looked down and Ruby had a handful of mosquitoes attacking her face. Poor thing! Besides the bugs it was a nice outing.
Monday we got up and at it and headed to Oak Park in Grand Ledge. I had never been but the pics looked a lot like the ledges we had been to in Ohio so I thought it could be fun. It wasn't a super long trail but it really was pretty and there were some good spots for the kids to climb. They only got a little bored when I had to nurse Ruby.
After our hike at Oak Park, we went to Lincoln Brick Park. It looked like it had some cool brick ruins to explore but I forget that kids are small and get tired easily. We probably could have done without this adventure but still, the ruins were neat to see.
Our last stop was Preuss Pet Store. I nursed Ruby while they all checked out the animals. Kind of a bummer to be left behind. They didn't last long but as I said before, kids are small and tire easily. To help them make it through the drive home, we stopped at a gas station for treats. Too bad that didn't work for Ruby. The last 30 mins of the drive were rough. She doesn't do well when the car isn't constantly moving. Once home we had dinner and then Ben, Tyler and Mike went to soccer. It was Ben's game against parents and Mike went so he could watch Tyler get annihilated. The rest of us stayed home. The girls did some crafting and made brownies. The boys played computer games.
Tuesday we needed to recover from a busy Monday so we had a quiet morning and just picked up some doughnuts from Longs Farm. We ate them there and actually didn't get attacked too badly from the bees.
Tyler, Ruby and I all were matchy matchy so had to document that.
After lunch Tuesday we went to Bronner's. When we got there, I took Ruby to the program center to nurse her while all the kids got to pick out an ornament. We decided to go ahead and let them get there Christmas ornaments while we were there. While nursing a girl with special needs came and chatted with me and then the room filled up with elderly people and an ancient movie about Bronner's started to play. When I finished nursing, I got to see everyone's ornament selections. Then everyone finished strolling the aisles and we headed out.
Before we started the long drive home, we stopped at a store full of candy so we could once again ensure a quiet ride home. They had some super yummy salt water taffy that I got. This time even Ruby did pretty good with the drive. Once home we had a chill evening in.
Wednesday morning the kids had to do some school work while the Bradys got ready for their flight. Then it was time to say "goodbye" to the Brady's. The house was much too quiet after they left. We wish we didn't live so far from them.
Thursday Ruby had her 2 month well visit. She is now 11.4 lbs, growing wonderfully. Sadly she had to get 3 shots and 1 oral vaccination. She was pretty upset by the whole thing and didn't have a great rest of the day. Thankfully everything was cancelled that afternoon/ night because of rain. And also, thankfully when I have her bath it helped her feel better and I even got some smiles.
Friday the kids spent the morning doing school work. Tyler and I had a meeting with Steven's school counselor so we could learn about their early college program. We got a lot of information and now Steven will have to decide if he wants to do it next year or not. I really think it's a good opportunity and I hope he chooses to do it. That afternoon Tyler took the kids to Menards so I could get a nap. That was really nice and a great perk to him being on paternity leave. After they came back, Ruby, Lucy and I went to watch Steven at his last tennis practice. It helped ease my mom guilt about not going to any of his matches. I also brought a bottle to the practice for Ruby and she sucked it down which means I might actually be able to leave her occasionally now.
Saturday the girls had a soccer game in the morning. The wind was bitter cold and I worried about Miss Ruby getting cold but I think I kept her warm all snuggled up next to me. Mariah came to watch with her kids and I was impressed that they were all only in long sleeve shirts. I must be a baby when it comes to the weather. I really didn't enjoy nursing Ruby in the cold. They girls had 2 games and tied both. 0 to 0 the first one and 1 to 1 the second. The teams were evenly matched. Lucy is such a Hatch- she has the athletic genes. I am afraid Penny has my genetics because she is less inclined to get in the thick of things. Ben had a game as well that day, Tyler took him. Ben's team won 2-0. That evening Tyler and I went for a date to Chick-Fil-A and Lowe's with Ruby- super romantic right? But it was nice just to get out with him for a bit.
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