Sunday, September 10, 2023

Labor Day, Soccer

Monday was Labor Day so everyone was home. We decided to go to the Stake Picnic. I'm not a fan of big social events but the kids wanted to go, Mariah's family was going to be there and all my friends were going so we went. The Suburban was still broken and with Tyler's mom here we couldn't all fit in my Traverse so Grace was nice enough to take my girls in her car. The weather was pretty toasty but we managed to sit in a shady spot. Ruby needed to be nursed when we first got there and after that she basically got passed around. It seems like, besides my 3 good friends, mostly just the "grandma" ladies in my ward came by to see Ruby. But maybe that's because we don't have too many people in our Ward. Penny also matched her cousin Jessie at the picnic (they planned it) but I failed to get a picture of both of them. Just got a pic of Penny before the picnic.

Tuesday while the kids were at school, my friend Stefanie came by to meet Ruby and brought me lunch. While she was here, Tyler took his mom out to lunch. Ruby was not on her best behavior for Stefanie and just kept crying every time she tried to hold her. I know it's not my fault but I felt bad anyways. At least Ruby wasn't too fussy for me so when I held her, we were still able to have a conversation. It's always nice to catch up with her.

That night was Tyler's mom's last night here so we met up with Mariah's family at a Leo's Coney Island for dinner. It was a bit chaotic with all our kids. They all sat at one table and the adults sat at another table. My kids can easily get wrapped up in goofing off with their younger cousins. At one point Ben was clanging knives with Red. Such a good example to his cousin.

Wednesday morning I had to drive Leslie to the airport. But before she left she got some slobbering love from Ruby.

It was sad to say goodbye to Grams Hatch because it meant the end of parents visiting and the end of having help. We were so lucky to have had so much help up to that point. Thankfully, despite still working, Tyler's been able to be a help as well. He was able to get Steven home from his tennis match that day- he took some work calls from the tennis courts. So far I haven't had to worry about the matches. And I probably won't have to because in addition to Tyler's help, I finally found a tennis mom who is willing to carpool. Her son is a freshmen that can't drive and she also doesn't no other parents, lol. Through email we have found that we can help each other with rides. 

Thursday I had my postpartum Dr's appt. I honestly didn't bring up any real concerns I have because I feel my worries always seem to be unfounded and are usually dismissed...The Dr did notice that my scar was red but said it was probably just due to my pant's waistband. Turns out it's really been my garment's waistband so I've been wearing high-waisted undies since then and my scar has been feeling much better. 

Thursday night the girls had their first soccer practice and I decided to take them. I was going to take Ruby for a walk on nearby trails but the mosquitoes were out in full force so we took a short walk to the library. I got a few books and then she got fussy so I found a nice seat and nursed her. Then we went back to the car where she nursed some more. She tends to cluster feed at night time. When she was done eating we hung for a bit and then the girls were done and it was time to go home. I was releived our outing went so smoothly. Meanwhile the girls got eaten alive on their first soccer practice. Seriously the bugs have been so awful.

Saturday my hormones were a little out of whack and not helped with a fussy baby who was making it hard to get anything done. I really wanted to get the house cleaned but it seemed like every time I was done feeding her she just wanted to be held. Tyler was off at Home Depot- he always has some project to do- and by the time he got home it was feeding time again. Life with a newborn is really a big adjustment from my previous life. I can no longer just do what needs to be done or what I want to do because this baby seems to always need me. But I am trying to remember to be ok with the slow down because they grow up fast. This time won't be forever. 

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