Saturday, May 6, 2023

Oven Melt Down

Sunday we had Ward Conference and there were some nice talks. They both involved using personal stories as analogies, those always keep my focus better. At church Tyler had to talk to a seminary parent who, now that the school year is almost over, is worried about her child passing seminary. She felt that listening to podcasts should count as scripture reading for her child. It was a bit frustrating when literally all you have to do is read one scripture verse a day to count as scripture reading. 

Monday was rainy and cold so both soccer practices got cancelled. That meant we had a nice, quiet night in. The kids and I have been watching the TV series "Merlin" when we have time in the evening. It's a pretty fun show.

Tuesday while the kids were at school I attempted to find some maternity clothes but had bummer luck. Target's dresses fit weird and Old Navy had one tiny rack of clothes. I found a t-shirt dress but that was it. I ordered some stuff of Amazon but that all ended up feeling too tight. It was a bit of a bummer.

Lately here has been a lot of frustration with Steven so I decided I needed to do something with him Tuesday night so we could have a positive experience together for once. We ended up going to Target and I had him pick out something for Ruby. He got her a big Creeper doll because he says that will ensure that she wants to play Minecraft someday. Afterwards we went to Culver's for ice cream. I think I might have to pass on the Culver's ice cream in the future. Though it is tasty, that night I had the worst stomach problems from it.

Wednesday was just another day of school work, soccer practice for Ben, and activities at the church for all the kids...I did attempt to do some pour painting on a big canvas to put over the mantle and it turned out pretty good. But then I started seeing all the flaws and thought I could fix them and in the end made it worse. So I gave up on it and smeared all the paint so the canvas is now just green. I'll have to do a new layer on top when I feel like trying it out again.

Thursday I got some more baby clothes from a mom at the kid's school. I am really getting a good stash. The mom told me how they are leaving Renaissance due to some frustrations. I don't love Renaissance per se but I don't hate it enough to leave it...yet. Ben has one more year and then we might see about another route for the girls. Part of me wants to homeschool again so I can have more control over the curriculum but that is also a lot of work. I have another year to figure it out I guess.

Friday morning I had a massive migraine. I went back to bed for an hour and that helped but lights still bothered me. I powered through and finished helping kids with school work, got Lucy a much needed haircut and took books back to the library. Then I disappeared upstairs again and hid in the darkness. It was a bummer because it was a rare sunny day and I couldn't enjoy it. While I was hiding in the darkness, Lucy decided she wanted to make brownies by herself. Well, for some reason she thought she needed to have the plastic lid on the brownies while she baked them. That led in an oven disaster. The oven still smells awful :(

Saturday was soccer day. The girls had their game in the morning and ended up tying 3-3. Steven went with me because he wanted to go to Max's after. The weather was sooo perfect but of course Steven still found a reason to complain. Ugh. Ben had his game in the afternoon and they ended up winning 5-0. The girls went with me and they were playing really nicely but then Lucy had to pee desperately and there were no bathrooms. There is a reason I usually go by myself to the soccer games.

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