On Monday we did schoolwork in the morning and then my mom was nice and took the girls shopping for some clothes. She felt that since Ruby got so spoiled, they needed a little spoiling too. They both got new swimsuits and a new outfit. That evening my mom came with me to the girls' soccer practice in Milford and we chatted in the car, took a walk to the library to use the restrooms, and then chatted some more in the car. It was nice to have company for once while I waited for the girls.
Tuesday morning we had a belated Mother's Day dinner at Lena's Kitchen. It was me, my mom, Leslie, Mariah, Wesley and Mariah's mother in law, Lynn. The food was sooooo good! My mom and I got a savory crepe and sweet crepe and shared. Mostly the conversation was good, although at one point Leslie, Mariah and Lynn were all talking about someone they knew that my mom and I did not now. But that was a short moment.
Tuesday evening my mom and I went to Ben's soccer game. It was a good game to watch. They won 1-0. They kept trying to make more goals and failing but the other team never really got close to making any goals. I was glad to have my mom there since the other parents seem to ignore me. It was nice to have company.
Wednesday morning we had the bishopric come to seminary. They played a game against the whole seminary class. We had NT questions and incorporated our "hooky game" that we have. It was a lot of fun to watch how competitive they all got. In the end the Bishopric won with the last question but the seminary students contested and begged for another question. They insisted on doing a doctorinal mastery as a question which worked in their favor because the Bishopric was not as well aquainted with them.
For lunch on Wednesday, my mom and I took the younger 3 to their end of the year picnic. The weather was really nice and there was some good food being served. My mom and I ended up sitting with Cherish and a new friend, Nahoko, while the kids played. Nahoko is from Japan and it was really interesting conversation learning about how she adjusted to such a change when moving here. Ben initially wanted to go home because he couldn't find any of his friends but then he found friends and we had a hard time getting him to leave. The girls both really enjoyed getting their faces painited- even though I was the worst and accidentaly smeared Penny's face paint. Luckily she was able to get her other cheek painted too and I did not smear that one.

Thursday morning I took my second 1 hour glucose test and this time I did not feel so yucky and this time I passed! I got a 133 and I needed less than 135. I realize that is still pretty close to not passing so I am trying to make better food choices and not gorge out on junk food quite so much. When I got home I did school work with the kids, we went to DQ for lunch (not quite helping my resolve to eat better) and then my mom and I did some painting. It was fun to introduce her to pour art. Even though she wasn't happy with hers, I think it still turned out good. Her's is the blue and orange one and mine is the rainbow one.
That evening Tyler and Steven attended their Robotic's Banquet, which I had to force Steven to go to. Honestly, free dinner and he was complaining. My mom and I took the girl's to soccer while they were at their banquet and this time we hit up the farmer's market. My mom ended up buying this English Toffee that was soooo good (once again testing my resolve to eat good). She also got some cookies for all the kids.
Friday morning was our last day of seminary. I have loved teaching seminary but I have also struggled massively with the lack of sleep. I have such mixed feelings about being done and not being able to teach that group of teens anymore but also, I am so ready to sleep in. After all I only have about 2 more months to enjoy sleep before a baby is going to be interrupting a good night's rest. I also am excited to reclaim my front living room and spent a good portion of the day deciding how I want to do that and starting the process. After school work was done, me, my mom and Lucy went to run some errands. I was looking for some thank you gifts for my friends that hosted my shower, a housewarming gift for Mariah's family, and a rug for that front room because the carpet has gotten so gross. Ikea ended up being a winner for finding all the things, although in the end, I returned the rug because it just didn't look good. I probably drove my mom and Lucy crazy with being so indecisive while we were shopping.
Friday evening, after the boys got back from a birthday party, we all watched the D&D movie with grandma- it was our 3rd time, her 1st. They really do love that movie,
Saturday morning the boys woke up bright and early for another caddying job. This time they got tipped really well- like $20. Meanwhile I had to take my mom to the airport which was sad, it's always hard to say goodbye. I spent the rest of the day clearing out that front living room, organizing the guest room, organizing diapers I got from the shower...maybe I am nesting? If I am nesting I still have a long way to go before things are up to par but I have made some progress.
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