Penny has been cleaning the bird cage for money and on Monday she realized she was pretty close to having enough money to buy a Build-a-Bear. Lucy realized she was close too. They both asked for extra chores so they could earn the rest of their money. Penny ended up vacuuming the car and did a really good job. Lucy helped pick some weeds. It is really nice having kids that are getting old enough to help out with chores. They also have designated rooms to clean each week and though they are not quite as good as me, it still relieves some of my burden. After dinner I took them to Build-a-Bear so they could get their stuffies. Lucy got a fluffy teddy and Penny got a rainbow cat. They now need to save up money to buy clothes for their stuffies.

Tuesday I did "take two" of my green masterpiece for above the mantel. This time I used a more liquidy base and also used lots of it. It worked a lot better and I am mostly happy with my second attempt. I still see all the flaws but it will work for now. I also made a royal mess in my kitchen which was not a great idea because the missionaries were coming for dinner. I had much tidying to do before they came. I wish I had an art studio...

I always stress about the missionaries coming over but it always ends up being nice to have them in our home. They are good examples for our kids. We still have the one missionary from Holbrook, AZ here and Tyler still tells the same missionary stories- I wonder if he is tired of hearing them yet. It was a warm day and I am pretty sure I was sweating as I was bustling around the kitchen- Penny was nice to point out my ears looked a bit red. Super. The missionaries were really nice and complimented my painting so I guess they can come over again. Right after they left I had Bunco. I did the best that I had done in awhile but of course someone had an even more amazing time so I didn't win a top 3 prize (which were Target giftcards). But I did end up getting the most Baby Bunco's and winning a basket of flowers that I have already killed so....
Wednesday I had to take Ben to get some pics for his science fair project and we were near a Culver's so I had to get some pretzel bites and of course, get Ben a treat too. We had a nice hang out, he's always really good at saying "thank you". He's a good kid. The pretzel bites however, did not settle well and as much as I love them, I may have to stop getting them.
Thursday was a busy day. I did some shopping in the morning- still trying to find maternity clothes and needed some summer clothes for the kids. Then I went on a walk with Grace- it is getting so warm. I feel like we missed that nice in between weather. After our walk Grace and I met up with Melissa and Caroline for lunch. We went to Lena's Kitchen and it was sooooo good. When I got home I had to rush off to get the kids from school and then once home catch up on dishes and laundry that I had missed during the day. Then after dinner, off to soccer with the girls.
Friday the kids all had friends over in the afternoon. The girls played with water balloons and made brownies (this time no lids were melted) while the boys did lots of video games. We had Costco pizze for dinner (which I had a craving for) and then we bought the new D&D movie on Prime and we watched it again. Still fun the second time around.
Saturday I was awoken by an obnoxious amount of texts in the group chat for the girl's soccer team. I hate group chats. BUT it was a good thing because apparently I had the time wrong for their game and I needed to get up then if we were going to be ready in time. Their team did not win which was a bummer. The other team had some great goalies and even though the girl's team made many attempts, no goals made it in. I love watching the progress of Lucy and Penny. It's fun to see them get in there and try.
The boys had some fun Saturday. Steven got to go to Brickfest with Adam- a big Lego event. Then he had an activity to get him ready for FSY. Ben had Andrea's birthday party to attend. They had burgers and went to the Mario movie. Me, I swear that one soccer game had me beat. There was a long walk to the field and then sitting in the sun. I forgot a hat which was a poor choice. I am really lacking in energy these days...just 12 more weeks to go...
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