Saturday, April 29, 2023

Another Week

On Sunday a friend gave me a bunch of baby clothes and I spent Tuesday organizing them into bins so our attic space isn't a disaster. It took more time than expected but I am feeling very grateful. Ruby already has a good stash of super cute clothes. Tyler also finished fixing the drawer on the dressers we had bought- to the best of his ability- so the girl's room is organized and looking much better. 

Wednesday I took Ben to the SOS so he could get state ID, they won't let him get set up to get paid as a caddie without ID. We made an appointment online but of course they were running late and then we hit a ton of traffic on the way back. Took longer then expected but I had promised the kids we would walk to 7-11 when we got back so I did. It wore me out pretty good. At 25 weeks I am low energy and achey- I'm sure it only get worse ;). I got a belly band and it really doesn't help much. That evening Ben had soccer and then I had Steven pick him up and take them both to their activity. I found his driving slightly frustrating- he is overly cautious and slow. He is also easily irritated with other drivers (even though he is probably irritating other drivers). Their activity was calling people in the Ward to see if they wanted to buy flowers for their fundraiser. They tried to call me but I refused to answer and made them come to the foyer to ask me. I hate awkward phone calls, lol. I came home feeling overly annoyed with everyone (a little hormonal) and then Lucy accidentally kicked me in the face climbing up to her bunk bed. It was a bad mood sort of night.

Thursday morning I went to see a town home in Northville for Mariah's family. They had applied to this home and they were accepted. It is overall a really nice home and I think they will be happy there. The only drawback is that it will be a long commute for Jeff. But it is located next to lots of fun things and has a community pool which will be great in the summer. After that I went to Debbie's house to paint. It was one of those days where everything I painted sort of flopped. I didn't take a picture because I was unimpressed with what I made.

Thursday evening the girls had soccer and the weather was really nice. I did a walk to the library and worked on seminary lessons there and then walked back to the soccer field. I love my soccer nights.

Friday morning for seminary we talked about being a part of Jesus's clique- I think it turned out quite well. One of our students always gets a ride with another one but her ride didn't show so I gave her a ride to school. We actually had a really nice conversation. She is the only one in her home that is active and she has a really great testimony. She is a good teen. 

Also on Friday my allergies went completely haywire. Super itchy and runny nose. Bad headache. I felt really awful and spent most of the afternoon and evening hiding out in my room because the kids had friends over. Even Penny commented that I looked terrible, so nice.

Saturday I was hoping to feel better but I still had a bad headache. Tyler was really nice and took over all the responsibilities. He took Steven (who was in tears about it) to his first caddie job. Steven really did not want to go but apparently he calmed down on the ride there. He came home saying he did not enjoy it and had to ask like 30 questions but I am hoping once he gets paid he feels differently. He also took the girls to their soccer game and they won! Yay! I spent the day being super duper lazy and hiding from everyone. It was a good recovery day.

Also this week Penny and Ruby took a nap together :)

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