Sunday, May 28, 2023

Baby Shower and Rebekka's Visit

Sunday was mother's day and it was a pretty nice day. Tyler made me my traditional crepes in the morning. In sacrament the primary sang some cute songs and then gave all the mom's tissue paper flowers. For RS we got to eat good food and chat with friends. After church I took a nap and then Tyler helped me make dinner. The kids all made me nice notes and I got an awesome Lego minifigure puzzle and a charcuterie board so I can be fancy now. 

Tuesday the boys had a youth temple trip and I decided to take them so I could have some low key temple time. It is always nice to be in the temple, it so quiet and calming. And it's extra nice when I can just sit there and enjoy the peacefulness without having to do anything.

Wednesday morning the girl and I went to see their friends in a play at Renaissance. It was pretty cute for a small production. There friend's mom brought their little sister who was rather noisy and there was this family that kept turning around and giving them nasty looks. I am not looking forward to people who don't have any sympathy for mom's of little ones. 

Thursday morning I went and took my glucose test and I did not pass. I wasn't super surprised because for some reason I was feeling sick when I went in and then just felt even worse with the drink. Surprisingly enough a lady from the ward was a the lab too and we had a good chat while we waited which helped distract me from how yucky I was feeling. I ended up getting a 143 and the dr wanted me to get 135. Thankfully my dr agreed to let me take the 1 hour test one more time before being subjected to the awful 3 hour fasting test.

Late Thursday night my mom flew in so she could be at my baby shower and hang with us a bit. Since I had Seminary the next morning, I did not stay up to greet her but our seminary class woke her up early the next morning, poor thing. They are not good at being quiet.  

I feel bad because not only did I not stay up to welcome my mom here but then while I was doing school work with my kids Friday morning, a migraine decided to hit so I had to hide up in my room and try to sleep it off. The sleep helped, I was still a little light sensitive, but not totally useless which was good because that afternoon my friend Rebekka flew in. I picked her up from the airport and then we went straight to our airbnb. We chatted for a bit, picked up some snacks and breakfast food from a nearby grocery store and then we met my family at the church building for a spaghetti dinner youth fundraiser. The fundraiser was pretty successful, the food was good and the youth all did various performances which was pretty fun. My kids did a little skit involving an invisible bench that had moved. There was also a bagpipe performance, a comedic magician, and a funny make up tutorial. I also managed to get spaghetti sauce spots all over my shirt, I'm a terrible messy spaghetti eater. When it came time for the dessert auction, Rebekka and I headed back to our bnb which had a creepy windowless van in the yard and a downstairs apartment that we could hear weird sounds from. We stayed up late talking about the book she is trying to write and eating our junk food. 

Saturday morning with the long day Rebekka had traveling and the time difference she slept in pretty late. My body, however, would not allow me to sleep in so I had a chill morning getting ready and reading while I waited for her to awake. Once she was up and ready, we decided to go to the John K King Bookstore in Detroit. On the drive there she got to witness the rough patches of Detroit, it always makes me sad to see the burnt out houses. We had a good time strolling the book aisles. She found some books on religion for her husband- they have been on a bit of a faith journey, not leaving the church but not necessarily fully committed anymore. We had a lot of interesting church discussions while she was visiting.  

After strolling the book store we went to Belle Isle and did a little walk. It was a bit chilly for a walk and my dress kept blowing up to reveal my shorts underneath which was awkward but Rebekka seemed excited by the prospect that she could see Canada across the river. What's funny is she lives in Washington so she's not so far from Canada either.

After our Belle Isle adventure we went to my house where I gave her a tour. I was a bit embarrassed because lately my house seems to be in a constant messy state. Trying to add baby things into our already cramped space has been tricky and still needs some work. Then it was time for all us ladies to go to my baby shower. My friends did such a good job throwing me a baby shower. The decorations were so cute, the food was yummy, I didn't have to unwrap gifts awkwardly in front of people- they came and set them on a table as I greeted them- and there was just one game and it wasn't an awkward one- just a matching game that involved candy. The only set back is I have no idea who gave me what- by the time the gifts got home, the cards were no longer attached with gifts and I had forgotten who had given me what. It's not a huge deal because those who bought from my registeries, it'll show what they got online, and I can do a generic thank you for the gift for those that came. I am bummed that I didn't get a picture with me and my mom or me and Rebekka at the shower seeing how they flew so far to be here for it. But I got some good photos with my friends that hosted the party (Caroline, Ashlee, Grace and Melissa) and I did get a photo with Corinne who surprised me by driving all the way from Indiana to be at my baby shower. When all was said and done, I really just felt so loved and supported. 

After the baby shower I took my presents home and then Rebekka and I went back to the airbnb. We decided to walk into downtown Fenton and ended up at a place that sounded good online but turned out it was geared for the LGBTQ community. We were like the only straight people there and our waitor's name was "Lev" and used the pronouns they/them (although was clearly a "she"). Though the atmosphere was interesting, the food really was yummy. I have been a grilled cheese sandwich kick and their fancy grilled cheese did not disappoint.

After dinner we went back to our airbnb, chatted some more, and then watched some "Schitt's Creek".

Sunday morning Rebekka and I had another slow morning and then cleared out of our airbnb, but not before signing the hallway wall (yes, you are supposed to sign it). Because we found the home slightly eerie in the evening, I decided to write, "Whatever you do, don't fall asleep." I'm sure other people who stay there will appreciate my message ;)

When we left, we decided to go to the Fort Gratiot Lighthouse because Rebekka is also a fan of lighthouses. I also wanted her to get to see a great lake before leaving. We took the tour of the surronding buildings and the lighthouse and the guy was real friendly and nice, I could see my dad being a good tour guide like him. Going up to the top of the lighthouse wasn't as difficult as I had thought it would be in my pregnant condition. There was a different person who took us to the top and I learned that he was born at 28 weeks old. So crazy that he survived being born that early and is a perfectly healthy adult. 

When we finished with the lighthouse,we walked down the beach for a little bit and then it was time to take Rebekka to the airport so she could catch her flight. I am so grateful that she flew all the way to Michigan for me, she is a good friend and it was good catching up with her. I had thought it might be awkward but it was like no time had passed since we last saw each other. We definitely need to do this again. 

After I dropped Rebekka off I came back home and attempted to clean because we had invited Mariah's family, her mother-in-law and my in-laws over for a bbq. Mariah's family had arrived in Michigan Saturday and awesome parents and in-laws had come to help her move. Thankfully I only had to make my bean salsa since Tyler was grilling so I didn't have to rush too much to get everything done. The bbq was nice, my kids love Mariah's kids. We ended the evening with popsicles on our deck, just chatting and enjoying the beautiful weather. It's going to be pretty great having family here permanently I think.

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