Sunday, April 23, 2023

Super Mario, Caddie Training, Painting

We roasted last weekend in 80 degree weather and then on Monday there was snow. Not enough to stick but enough to emphasize that Michigan weather is crazy. The girl's soccer practice got cancelled that night but the older kids were expected to *suck it up* so Ben still had soccer practice. He layered up and survived the cold. 

Tuesday morning I met Stefanie at The Breakfast Club. I had been craving their crepes so it was nice to satisfy that craving. I enjoy our talks because I feel like our older two kids have some similar issues so it's nice to have some who can relate. That evening the boys had their first caddie training. I had totally forgot about it and bought tickets for our whole family to see the new Super Mario Brother movie. Fail. I ended up inviting 3 friends of the girls to take their place and then buying tickets for Tyler to take the boys after their caddie training (because Ben was super upset about missing it). Since it's only $5 on Tuesday it wasn't too painful of a mistake. The girl's 3 friends that came all go to their school so I took them home with us from school, fed them and then we went to the movie. That was a lot of girls but they had a blast and all seemed to enjoy the movie. We did some serious jamming to the "Peaches" song all the way home.

Wednesday I felt wiped. I fell asleep doing school work with the kids, then took a nap when they were done with all their school work and then took another nap after runnings some errands. Baby must have been stealing my energy that day. That night I took the boys to their second day of caddie training. They seem like they are excited to make some money. Steven even said he had a goal to make $400 to buy an Oculus VR. I really hope they both stick with it. Picking them up from the training was a disaster though because the parking lot was FULL and I kept going down dead ends and then having to get out of those dead ends in the massive Surburban was not a treat. 

Thursday while the kids were all in school I got to go on a walk with Grace. She jogged to my house before the walk which I found quite impressive. She's training for a marathon. Then I had my 24 week check up and Ruby is still doing good. I have had a horrible back ache and my midwife recommended a belly band. I am not sure that will help but I guess I will try. I also was super awkward and asked her if she knew anyone who provided housing to medical students- I mean she's in the medical field, why not try for Mariah's family's sake. (Everytime they apply to rent a home, they get denied because their loans aren't in yet.) She did not and I immediately felt silly for asking. Oh well.

Thursday night Tyler was in charge of getting the boys to their last day of caddie training and I took the girl's to soccer practice. While they practiced I went for a walk- the weather was perfect- then I went and read trashy magazines at the library. When I went to pick them up my vision went wonky and my head hurt. Not ideal driving the girls home. Pretty sure it was just a migraine. I wonder if the migraine was brought on from cleaning the shower grout earlier- maybe the smell of bleach was too much. 

Friday morning I felt like I was still recovering from the migraine and needed the lights off. Later I had to take Andrea and Ben on a hunt to find water in specific environments to test. We had to do suburbs, country, freeway, city. When we finished, I took them to Costco for lunch. I love how cheap Costco's pizza and hot dogs are. Later I decided to try and see if I could paint flowers using my pour painting. I think they turned out pretty good. I want to do a big painting similar to this for above my fireplace.

Saturday morning the girls game was cancelled because of rain but not Ben's game. The weather started out good for his game but near the end it got really chilly and started to rain. The bag for my chair decided to blow into the field and one of the dad's was really nice and chased after it for me. They still mostly ignore me but I was glad for the help. Ben also had a shoe tying problem but overall he did really good and it is fun to see him improving.

Also Saturday, the girls got to go to Angelica's play "Beauty and the Beast". And Steven had over 3 people from the Ward (2 being girls) and they all meshed really well together. They had a lot of fun playing games on the Nintendo Switch. We'll have to get them all together again. 

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