Saturday, April 8, 2023

Easter Fun

 On Sunday we did our tradtional April Fool's dinner (only we were a day late). The kids love this tradition. This year I had a list of Superheroes and they had to pick 3 for each round. Each superhero stood for something (fettuccine alfredo, bowl, spoon, fork, ice cream, ice cream toppings, parmesan, veggie/fruit, drink) but they didn't know what. It turned out pretty funny. Their first 3 things- Penny got a drink, strawberries and a fork. Lucy got a bread stick, ice cream, and a spoon. Ben got the Fettuccine Alfredo (no bowl), ice cream and a spoon. Steven got ice cream, ice cream toppings and and Fettuccine Alfredo (no spoon). Tyler got a bowl, a spoon and a drink.

Monday was busy. It was back to seminary which was a tough wake up call. Thankfully I had just planned a Kahoot so it required very little teaching from me. Then we had school work, I went to see a few houses for Mariah's family (one had a sauna!) and I took the kids for a walk to 7-11. We made it back from 7-11 just as the rain started. It was a really beautiful day until the rain came which was a bummer. The girls were supposed to have their first day of soccer practice but they had to cancel because of that darn rain.

Tuesday I had the seminary kids make Peep houses and Resurrection Rolls so we could talk about different traditions. There were still supplies leftover so Ben, Lucy and Penny made Peep Houses before they left to school. 

Wednesday we had a Tornado watch warning for most of the day. No tornadoes came, thankfully. We did get some wild rain and wind but nothing destructive. We even braved the rain and went to 5 and Below to spend the giftcard that Grams and Poppy had given the kids for Easter. These kids are spoiled ;). Afterwards I made them come to Hobby Lobby with me to get a puzzle (in my defense I gave away like 30 of mine so our basement isn't totally infested with them anymore). We found one but then had to wait in line FOREVER to buy it. They had a "now hiring" sign up. Maybe I should work there and save up money for diapers.

Thursday while the kids were at school I went to Debbie's to paint. I was debating going because I have just been sooooo tired but I am glad I decided to go. I hadn't painted since the last time I went to her house and it felt really nice to get back at it. I also really enjoy Debbie's company, she's so nice. She taught me a new texhnique, called floating cup I think and it turned out pretty cool. I am a fan of using a black background. There's a weird, wood reflection in the pic below (bottom left) but that's not in the actual pic.

Thursday evening the weather was good so the girls had their first soccer practice. Lucy thought it was warm enough to wear shorts and no jacket. I warned her she probably needed a jacket. She did not listen and I think had regrets. I only did a quick walk nearby while they were in soccer and I was cold with pants and a jacket. I also went to the library and flipped through some magazines. I quite enjoy my time in Milford while they are practicing.

Friday was Good Friday so Tyler had no work and Steven had no school. Tyler spent his day working on fixing the drawers in the dresser that we had bought off FB marketplace, they don't open well. I had the kids each invite friends over. We did a little Easter Egg hunt- the girls hid eggs inside for the boys to find and the boys hid eggs outside for the girls to find. I am glad they hid the eggs because my back has been hurting so much. The idea of bending over to hide all those eggs sounded awful. Anyways, I thought it would be fun but Lucy and her friend Angelica got a little bit intense about making sure they found ALL the eggs (I told them there was enough for each of them to get 18 each). They would not settle for even one less. When it was done they all traded candy and fought to protect what they did not want to trade.

After they hogged down some candy, I sugared them up some more by giving them cupcakes and a bunny cake. Everyone helped make the bunny cake and at the end they were basically just throwing candy on it. It was a bit of a hot mess BUT our bunny cake is always just a mess...It's kind of a tradition. 

Saturday morning we dyed Easter Eggs. I was lame this year and didn't get any fun dying kits so they simply colored and drew on fake eggs. Maybe next year we will be more fun and use real eggs again. I think I am getting bored of these fake ones. 

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