Sunday, March 5, 2023

Snow Tired

On Monday the younger 3 had hardly any school work so instead they spent most of the morning earning money by collecting all the fallen tree branches from the front yard and piling them into our backyard. Basically Tyler just had them move the mess because now our backyard has a gigantic pile of branches. Awesome.

And then, because my kids can't hold onto money for more than a second, they went on some errands with me and bought themselves some dolls with the money they just earned while we were out.They also helped me pick out some rings to wear on my wedding finger since my swollen fingers don't fit my actual wedding ring anymore. 

On Tuesday I was real excited to have the kids out of the house and be able to clean. A couple hours after I dropped them off I got a text that we would need to pick them up early because the power went out. I was pretty upset because I still had cleaning to do but then, not too long later, I got another text saying the power was back. Thank goodness! It felt so nice to do a good cleaning with no kids around to mess it right up.

Wednesday all the kids had an activity at the church so Tyler and I dropped them off and did a Costco run, we are so romantic. Costco is a bad place for a pregnant woman who craves everything though but I did exercise some amazing self control. The only thing I caved in and bought was Naked Juice. I know it's not as healthy as it pretends to be but boy do I like it.

Thursday while the kids were in school I went to Target and bought my first maternity shirt. I am starting to get to the point where my shirts aren't quiet fitting my growing belly. After my errand, Grace and I went for a walk to the library. I love my walks with friends. That afternoon/evening Steven continued to complain about Robotics Club so Tyler left him and told him to go to his room instead. So of course, Steven got super upset and made some stupid threats. He told me we are ruining all his plans with this stupid club and he never gets to play with friends anymore. Tyler tried to talk to Steven afterwards but Steven refused to talk. It was a rough evening.

Friday Steven turned himself around and went to the Robotic's Competition with Tyler. I came to watch a couple of the matches that afternoon with all the kids and it was actually pretty fun to watch. They teams had to compete to pick up the most balls and cones and put them in certain places. Teams could also earn points if they got to the charging station before time was up. Steven himself wasn't driving the robots nor was he part of the pit so he was basically just an observer but Tyler was helping out in the pits after each match. Steven ended up coming home with us. Tyler came home not too long after due to it ending earlier because of an impending snowstorm. 

The snowstorm did indeed come. We had a party to go to at the Bloomfield's house so I had to brave the snow and drive to and from it (Tyler was napping, tired from the day). I do not like driving in bad weather. The drive there wasn't awful but coming back visability was low and it felt miraculous that we made it home. We ended up with 7 inches of snow and some fun winter lightening that terrified the girls. The party itself was alright. I don't particularly love conversations about how done with having babies people are...I mean obviously I am having another one so how am I supposed to participate in that conversation? Sometimes I feel like I don't fit anywhere. The friends my age are done with babies and the ones who are in the little kid stage have several littles and are burnt out.

Saturday late morning, I thought the roads would be cleaned up and I would run a couple errands. Some roads were good, some were not. We only made it to one place and after hitting some icy roads for the next, I was done. We turned around and came home. Tyler, ever the brave driver, took Steven to his Robotics Tournament for the last of competitions. Steven's team did not win but they did make the quarter finals. The other team from his group (his group is big so they split into two teams) did however, make it to the championship round but then unfortunately lost. I watched some of the games from home (they have a livestream). It is pretty fun to watch. I spent most of Saturday working on photo books for the kids- I make them books every two years for Easter. They are soo much work. 

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