This week Steven was off school and the younger 3 had an at home week. This meant I had kids home all week BUT it also meant no seminary so I got to sleep in all week. The weather was all over the place this week. Monday was so warm that after the younger 3 finished their school work (and some house cleaning) we walked down to 7-11. It was a good outing but this pregnancy is definitely making me slower.
Tuesday morning I ditched the kids for a bit and went out to breakfast with Stefanie. It is always nice to catch up with her and relate our fun teen problems. That afternoon Ben had a birthday party in Novi so I dropped him off and ran a couple errands with the girls while I was out that way- Penny was on the hunt for fake glasses. She goes through fashion phases. She claims the glasses are so she can look like me so I had to try them on too. The wind was awful that day, made you feel like you couldn't breathe when it hit you, so after the errands and picking up Ben, I was happy to stay inside.

Wednesday we had freezing rain all day. I did not leave the house. That evening the branches had all grown heavy from the ice and started falling. I love the trees in our neighborhood but during bad weather they can be quite a curse. I did not sleep well with all the crackling and falling limbs. A couple branches falling caused our house to shake. We lost part of our tree in the front yard but thankfully it just fell in the yard and didn't hit anything. Also, thankfully, we did not lose power. The person across from our driveway was less lucky. His tree hit his roof and his cable wire. Around 1am a fire truck parked in front of my bedroom window and 3 firemen went to take care of the wire. They were super loud and laughing about something. Glad they were having a fun time :|.

Thursday I woke up with anxiety again. Not as bad as the previous week but not great. I knew the exact reason of the anxiety- another birthday party to take a kid to (I hate birthday parties at places I have never been with people I don't know) and also I had a midwife appointment which always makes me anxious. The birthday turned out ok. I was able to drop Lucy off and I when I picked her up, the mom of the kids was nice and chatted with me so I didn't feel too awkward. Afterwards Lucy got to come with me to my appointment. I was so nervous it would be bad news and she would be scarred for life. I was so worried that all my worrying these last couple weeks had hurt the baby (such a vicious cycle anxiety is). The midwife had Lucy use the doppler and again they struggled to find the heartbeat. Thankfully she did find it. She thinks I have an anterior placenta (it's in the front instead of the back) and that was why it was hard to find the heartbeat. That might explain why I haven't felt movement yet. I guess I will find out for sure at the next appointment.
Friday I went with Michelle to look at some more rentals for Mariah and Jeff. There was one with potential but I think they might still be able to find something better if they just give it a little bit. They don't have to move until May so they still have time. It was nice to get out with Michelle but I think sometimes I over share. Probably talking about pregnancy with a real estate agent who has never been married or pregnant wasn't her favorite thing, lol.
Saturday we woke up to snow. This weather just doesn't quit. Also, Saturday Tyler and Steven ditched Robotic's Club again. They didn't go Thursday either and went super late Tuesday. I am not sure having Tyler in the club has been super helpful because he seems to be waning on his commitment to mentor and Steven definitely does not want to go. Steven is even complaining about having to miss school for the competition. He was so excited to miss school for his birthday but for Robotic's Club? Nope. This teen of mine. This is starting to feel like a major waste of money. I don't think we'll do it again next year.
I had a "drive-thru" relief society activity Saturday. That was interesting. One of my seminary students took my order for a drink and cookie and then the RS president hopped in my car and checked in on me and ministering. I probably over shared again. I think my anxiety makes me too chatty sometimes. Anyways the cookie was soooo good and I even drank the soda. I have really been craving soda this pregnancy and I gave in.
Later that day Tyler took the boys to do D&D at the May's house and Caroline came over and we puzzled while the girls watched a show. It was a good night for all.
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