Monday I enlisted the kids to help with the house cleaning after they finished their school work and then we took a walk to 7-11 for their "payment" for helping. The weather was sunny but their was a chilly wind. It is starting to feel a bit more like spring, no snow this week, hopefully the warm weather stays for awhile.
We had the much anticipated ultrasound on Tuesday. The ultrasound tech was really nice but she also made us wait a long while before telling us the gender. First she did a lot of measurements and checks, she spent a long time on the heart. I was dying for her to just get to the point lol, but she did eventually and... it's a girl! Tyler was rooting for a boy so of course he showed less enthusiasm but I am just happy that the baby is healthy. The only quirk I have is an anterior placenta- meaning the placenta is attached to the front of my uterus instead of the back. Apparently it is fairly common and it also usually means you're having a girl so there you go. It was fun to watch Ruby kick and move in my tummy. Her little profile, her hands and feet, it is so surreal sometimes that a living, little baby is in my tummy.

To reveal the gender to the kids I went to Kroger's and bought a dozen pink balloons with helium plus with my own lung power, I filled up a couple dozen more. When Steven came home I had the balloons in the living room and he said "I knew it!" I am not sure I ever remember him predicting a girl but that's ok. Then for the younger 3 I filled up the car with balloons. They knew this was coming so when I came to pick them up they ran to the car, desperate to see the gender. Penny was so excited. Lucy had decided recently she didn't need any more sisters so she was a bit less excited. And Ben definitely looked disappointed for a minute but then changed his expression. He's good at faking happiness ;) After the kids got in the car we parked so that Caroline (whose kids are at the same school) could also come see what I was having. She gave a good reaction. Everyone keeps calling this baby the tie breaker, and it's too awkward to correct them, but in reality with Isaac and Ruby, we are even stevens again.

Tuesday night the boys went to a meeting about being a caddy. They hire ages 13 and up. It sounds like a terribly boring job but they are both willing to try it out so we're going to go ahead and complete all the things so they can do it. They'll need to take training, fill out paperwork, get the app that offers the jobs and get a uniform. I hope it works out because it seems like a good opportunity for them both to make money this summer.
Wednesday I brought out the bin of old baby clothes and discovered I really did not keep much at all. I had been a little too good at clearing out things. I did go through and take out the boy stuff to give away and found some of it was sad to let go of. I had accumulated a good amount of stuff to give away so I did a Salvation Army run and then took the girls to Target. They were desperate to go buy some things for Ruby, so we went to Target because I had been given a gift card for there at my Bunco Baby Shower. With the gift card they were each able to pick out $15 worth of things for Ruby. Here's what they ended up with:
I think the girls are going to love having a little sister to dress. They had such a hard time picking only $15 worth of things.
Thursday the mom of one of Penny's friends gave us some baby girl stuff- a tub, a play mat and some clothes. We had a nice chat about having a baby after a big gap and she also gave me some more info about some of the school drama Penny has been experiencing. I cannot believe we have already entered the days of friend drama. My girls are definitely more challenging than the boys when it comes to friends.
Friday morning we only had 4 kids (including our own) show up for seminary. I guess that's what happens the last day before Spring Break. It was good we had planned a low key day. We had them turn the DM's into emoji's and then try to guess them. And then we just played Smash Brothers when they finished. It was nice to have a chill day.
Later Friday Tyler picked up 2 dressers that I had found on FB Marketplace. They were only $200 for both, they were closer to the color of the bunk beds and crib and they are much bigger than what they have. I will finally be able to fit all their clothes together with plenty of room to spare for Ruby. The only issue with them is that the tracks for the drawers are no good but Tyler can fix that for less than $100 so I still think we can call it a good deal. It'll be fun to start getting their room put together once Tyler fixes up the drawers.
Also Friday, Steven had his second driver's segment. That parking lot still sucks. I really wish they had a better location. There is also a ton of traffic by it right now. Not only is a freeway shut down but also the local roads are under construction and down to one lane. Who plans this crap? While he was in class, the girls and I went to check out Once Upon a Child and I was really impressed by the quality of clothes and prices they ahve there. Made me wonder why I have been shopping at Salvation Army all this time. Looks like I will need to make a change. I also took the girls to the mall and there was a Corgi at the pet store that Penny is convinced made a connetion with Lucy so we must buy it. Ha. They also really wanted a Build-a-Bear stuffie and are determined to save up their money for one. As if they don't already have so many stuffies.
Saturday morning Steven had another driver's class and the girls went with me again. We went to Skechers while he was in class and they got some new shoes since their shoes are falling apart. Lucy has also grown 2 whole shoe sizes and is now a 6. She is starting to look so much older, even if she doesn't act much older ;) The rest of the day was spent catcing up on things and catching up on sleep. Seminary has become so hard. I am not sure I am going to make it another 2 months. I am just so dang tired and don't feel like I can ever recover.
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