Sunday, March 12, 2023

18 weeks

Sunday was fast and testimony meeting. To be honest I did not feel like church. All the off topic comments have been driving me crazy. But I went. And it was interesting that the first couple testimonies were on the importance of going to church. I also felt last month like I should bear my testimony. But I didn't. I felt it again and wanted to ignore but instead I made a promise to God that if their was a lull in testimonies I would go up there. Well I got my lull so I had to keep my promise. I hate going up, I was all shaky but I think I mostly sounded coherent. 

Monday Penny decided her dolls (which used to be mine) needed to join us for dinner. She gets on silly kicks. 

Tuesday Lucy needed new pants and decided she wanted real pants (aka jeans) like Penny has been wearing lately. So we went to Kohl's and I bought her one pair of real jeans- I wasn't convinced she'd wear them so I didn't get more. Well, she has been wearing that one pair fairly religiously so maybe I should have bought another pair. She also bought a training bra...doesn't need a real one yet but expressed she wanted one so why not? She's getting old. It's weird. And Penny has taken every opportunity to giggle over Lucy's training bras. Her time will come.

Wednesday was a sunny day so I decided it would be a good day to walk to 7-11. However, I don't buy them candy for no reason these days so I made them root through their toys, dolls and drawing notebooks before we could go. They got rid of some things but not as much as I would like. Especially when it comes to the dolls. The girls have so many but were only willing to give away like 3. Ugh. That night the Deacon' activity was canceled because no leaders could make it so I invited the Deacons over here. There's only 2 besides Ben. They played chess, ghost tag and Smash Brothers. Even though there's not many, I am glad they are good friends.

Thursday was a nice "self care" day while the kids were at school. I walked to the library with Grace and then we met Caroline for breakfast/lunch at the Breakfast Club. I was real hungry so I ended up going for lunch and got some yummy quesadillas. We ate and chatted for a good 2 hours. Then I came home and did not do much. It was a lovely day. That evening I decided to try a new recipe and it did not go over well. It was a garlic/lemon sauce with noodles. The kids did not like the tangy lemon flavor. Also Thursday, I got some pregnancy clothes in the mail from Grams. I am getting to the point where even my loose and baggy clothes are getting pretty tight. So here I am at 18 weeks, picture taken by Penny.

Friday there was snow in the early morning so the school's got canceled for a snow day. There really wasn't that much snow but I was grateful for the break from seminary. I am really struggling with waking up. That afternoon both boys had plans with friends but the girls and Tyler and I had dinnner with the missionaries. Last time they had come one of the companions was from AZ. That companion had left but in his place was another Arizonian. This guy was from Holbrook. He, of course, knew about our favorite rock shop/pit stop. It's always nice to talk to fellow Arizonians. It was  pleasant evening with the missionaries.

Saturday was just an errand/catch up day. I have had a hard time being motivated to do much of anything lately but I put in some effort Saturday. In the evening the boys had D and D at the May house and Caroline escaped from the chaos and hung out here, Melissa joined us for a little bit too. We puzzled and chatted, it was nice.

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