On Monday we decided it had been awhile since we had went out to dinner as a family so we decided it would be a good night to go out. We drove out to Chili's and I got the Chipolte Chicken Mex bowl with very low expectations since they are not known for Mexican food. It ended up being super tasty. It was a nice night out as a family, the only bummer was the service wasn't great. We never got our second batch of chips and salsa and my food came out way after everyone elses.
Tuesday I did my usual house clean while the kids were out and I was going to go out shopping for some more maternity clothes but I got lazy and decided on online shopping instead. I ended up ordering a bunch of stuff on clearance from Kohl's. Kohl's says I saved $150 so I am pretty proud. It always feels good to save money and especially on clothes that I only need for like 4.5 more months.
That evening I had Bunco and was completely surprised when it wasn't our typical Bunco but a baby shower for me (Kelly and Michelle were the hostesses). It is still early and I still don't know the gender so I definitely was not expecting it. It took me off guard and I always feel so awkward when all the attention is on me so I probably gave them a pretty lame reaction when they shouted "Baby!" at me when I walked in the door. They were so nice though and totally spoiled me. They had Mexican food for dinner and cookies for dessert, my favorite things. Then they had me open gifts. After each gift I opened I got to pull out a name and then someone else would get to pick a Bunco "prize" to open for themselves. It was nice because it gave me a break from the attention. I ended up with a pretty good haul: some diapers and wipes, some gender neutral onesies, a diaper bag, a bouncer, pacifiers, baby spoons, a teddy that also is a sound machine and a thing to dry bottles on. My Bunco friends are good to me and I know their intentions were sincere and kind but honestly I wish they could have waited until after the ultrasound. I still have my worries and I know I will feel better if I can just see that everything is developing normally for the baby. I just worry about having all this stuff and then the ultrasound doesn't go well. Obviously I still have some anxiety about things.

This week Penny has exchanged the baby twin dolls for a "3 year old". Her new "daughter" is named Lily. At first she tried to say that it was the girl twin grown up, who had just sat in the sun too long and dyed her hair, but after some laughs from siblings she dopped that story. Now her daughter gets buckled in the car and she asks people to watch her daughter while she goes to the bathroom. For awhile we would place Lily in precarious positions while Penny was away (like on top of a shelf or climbing in to the garbage) and exclaim out how naughty Lily was. It was good times.
Thursday I walked with Grace in the morning. I love our walks. She is a good listener. Then that afternoon I went and saw another house for Mariah's family. This one was a winner, really well taken care of, good area, and checked all their boxes. They said they will apply to it so we will see what happens. It's about 35 mins away from us so not too bad. Thursday evening I had a super upsetting moment when I realized that the dinner I had thrown in the crockpot earlier was not ready because I had never plugged in the crock pot. I literally realized this at dinner time so it was far too late to save it, I was so frustrated.
Friday morning I must have turned off my alarm instead of pressing snooze and didn't wake up until 7 minutes before seminary started. It was a panic for us all. Tyler ended up getting down just before the kids came in and when I came down there were already kids here. It was not a pleasant way to wake up honestly. I felt so groggy and weird and then having to try to start up class. At least Tyler was the one teaching. Friday was also St. Patrick's day and I was a sort of fun mom- they had Lucky Charms for breakfast, green noodles for lunch, Lucy had a friend over and they attempted to make a Shamrock Shake (it turned out a little too minty) and then the girls all did a craft. The friend Lucy had over goes to her school PLUS lives super close by. They got along super well and even let Penny play with them. I am hopeful this is a start of more playdates. It is so nice for her to have a friend close by.
That evening I watched "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" with the boys at their request. That was a poor choice, it was too scary for Ben and he came into my room that night crying. Poor parenting moment.
Saturday was another chill day. Tyler and Steven had Robotics, the other kids had friends over and I got things done- still working on finishing all their photo books for Easter.
Here are some pictures taken at school of my kids wearing green:
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