Sunday, February 12, 2023

Steven's 15!

On Monday in my attempt to get out more, I went on a walk in the afternoon with a my neighbor, Julie. She is a mom to triplets that are Penny's age and she is pregnant as well. She is just due a few months earlier than me. When I posted that I was pregnant, she sent me a text and soon we set up a weekly walk. It was fun talking with someone who was also surprised with a bonus baby and who will have the exact same age gap between her youngest and the baby. We can definitely relate to each other. 

Tuesday after I cleaned the house, my pregnant body felt like I had overdone it with the long walk Monday and cleaning Tuesday. Everything ached and I hate that. I get nervous when things ache but I don't want to be a lazy bum on the couch because that makes the anxiety worse. Ugh. That night the boys had baptisms at the temple with the ym. I am glad the ward set that up so they could have that opportunity. I really need to get better at getting us all out to the temple more.

Thursday I had my doctor's appointment with the midwife/behavioral specialist. It went really well. She was really easy to talk to and listened well. She suggested I meet with an actual therapist and also prescribed me something to help with the anxiety. I asked her about what ob dr she might recommend since the guy I was seeing had brushed me away so quickly. She laughed and said he was her boss and a great doctor but he doesn't do feelings. She also said I was welcome to see her or any of the other midwives until I got closer to delivery. That sounded good to me so she introduced me to another midwife and then set up my next 3 appointments with her. We also got to listen to the baby's heartbeat. It took a long time to find it-which it never has before- so of course that was terrifying. She did find it though and relief was had. 

Friday was Steven's birthday. He went to seminary but then I let him ditch school since he hasn't missed a single day this year. Once again he wanted to shop for his own gifts so we went to Target and he ended up picking two Nintendo Switch games. He was a little more decisive than last year. Afterwards I took him to Subway for lunch. Later Max and David came over. They played on the Switch, walked to 7-11, ate pizza and cake- and basically just did all the teen things. They ended the night watching the latest "Puss in Boots" movie, which was surprisingly good.

Friday night I took my first pill for my anxiety and I don't know if it was a combo of that and eating all sorts of junk food that night but I did not sleep well and I felt really lousy all of Saturday-stomach ache and headache. I ended up spending most of the day in bed or on the couch. Not a super exciting day for the kids. When Tyler got home from Robotics Club with Steven though, he helped Lucy rearrange her room- basically she just switched the bunk bed and the dresser. Then after dinner he took them all to Meijers to get them out of the house. That was nice because than I got to enjoy a quiet house.

And here's a pic of the girls with the giant bear at the library, a pic of Ben and his friends making pb cookies, and a pic of Ben in his traditional winter outfit.

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