Sunday was weird. We had one lady who talked about all her visions she's had of the afterlife during sacrament and then in Sunday School people tried to stir controversy with talking about blacks and the Priesthood. It's not a neat and tidy part of our church history. After church we had a linger longer and they made us listen to a spill on Family History before we could eay. Church is during lunch time so I was starving and felt blah and just wanted to eat already. When it was time to eat they were calling tables and I was bummed it wasn't our turn and Caroline said "Well I think pregnant people should go first" Totally spilled the beans to the other couple at our table. She felt so bad but honestly it was kind of funny. I've slowly been spreading the news so it's fine. I am 13 weeks now which is a fairly safe zone.
This weeks was soooo cold. We had several days where wind chill left temps feeling like they were in the negatives and I am not a fan. Monday night, after hibernating inside all day, I ventured out to take the kids to 5 and Below and just the short walk from the car to the store was painfully cold. We went to 5 and Below because Grams and Poppy had sent the kids a little Valentine's giftcard and they were desperate to spend it. The girls ended up getting Squishmallows, even though they insisted on touring the whole store first, I knew that was what they would get. The boys both got Bee Swarm Minifigs. And everyone got Tic Tacs because they have had so much junk lately that I wouldn't let them get straight up candy, lol.

Tuesday I was looking forward to having all the kids in school so I could clean the house in peace but...Lucy wasn't feeling well so she ended up staying home and Steven had a half day which meant he was home at 11am. Lucy learned that being home from school is not that fun and was super bored while I cleaned the house and Steven ended up in his room playing an online game with a friend so they mostly stayed out of my way. That day Penny's "Big Sister" shirt arrived and it inspired me to make a little pregnancy announcement. I tried to get them all to make surprised faces but Steven was NOT cooperative. Although weirdly he gave me some nice smiles instead...
I sent this to Tyler's siblings and there was an underwhelming response. When Keshia announced she was pregnant a couple months ago there must have been at least 100 texts in response on the family group text. I announced my pregnancy and got maybe 5 responses. It's fine. Out of sight, out of mind.
Thursday morning while the kids were at school I went for a walk with my friend Grace. It was surprisingly a warm 19 degrees, ha. I layered up really well and survived. I needed the fresh air and the good talk though. I have really been struggling with my anxiety, haven't really been able to shake it since my last dr's appointment. I've tried doing yoga and breathing techniques and they help for a bit but then it comes back. It was the same with this walk. I felt really good afterwards for a bit but the anxious feelings came back. I finally messaged my doctor saying I probably need to meet sooner and they obliged. I will have an appointment Thursday and hopefully I can get a handle on this stupid anxiety. It is really messing with my sleep. I wonder if I can get them to prescribe me a trip to somewhere warm so I can get outside more. I think that could help ;)
Friday afternoon we had the May kids over. It was one of those days with a negative wind chill but the older kids all walked to seven eleven and all the kids played outside for awhile. They are insane. I only left the house to run a few errands and that was enough outside time for me. That night, since it was pizza night and I needed pizza as a prop we made this pregnancy announcement because I saw it on Pinterest and it was just too fun to not recreate. This will be the social media post. Lucy was nice enough to take the picture but I drove her crazy making her take a bunch of pics so I could get the perfect one (I drove Tyler crazy too).

Saturday Tyler and I went and did sealings in the temple. My last Endowment Session I had issues with getting things on and remembering things and so I had been delaying coming back to the temple because I felt so anxious about it. With my extra anxiety issues as of late, I knew I needed to get back to the temple but I needed to go in a way that didn't make me even more anxious, lol. I finally decided we would do sealings because I would have Tyler there and that would make me feel better. It ended up being just us with a bunch of temple workers which was honestly really nice. They asked how many kids we have, and Tyler told them 4 and one on the way. When they asked how old our oldest was, one nice man said we didn't look old enough to have a 15 year old. That was flattering. When we first knelt down I had one of my super fun pregnancy flushes that made me a bit red and sweaty. The sealer must have noticed because he offered me a chair for the rest of the session. I felt silly taking it since I was the youngest in the room but I am glad I did, it made the session much more comfortable. Afterwards we sat in the Celestial room for a bit and then left to get dinner. It was a really good date.
Later, I went out to ice cream with my friends. I am grateful for my friends, they are a little bit crazy but so am I. It is nice to have people I can turn to to vent and get advice. After ice cream we strolled Meijers and at one point we walked past baby clothes and they were admiring them for my future baby. They are convinced it is a girl. I am still not ready for buying things and it is hard to even think about it because I still have that nagging, what if something happens...Still working on trusting that everything will be ok.
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