Saturday, January 28, 2023

Snow, Birds, 12 Week Check

 On Sunday we just had a chill day with church and then a yummy dinner of potato soup and garlic bread. Tyler's dad was insistent on making dessert and made brownies AND rice krispie treats. The kids got so sugared out with their grandparents here. We also had some snow that day so Poppy Hatch and Ben built a snowman. They gave it a butt crack and Poppy Hatch was very proud of it.  Lucy went out later and built a snowman with a little guidance from Tyler. I did not document hers and unfortunately the next day it's head fell off :/

Monday we had seminary again. The kids were dead which always making teaching tough. Seminary is so hit and miss. Once everyone was up and at it, I took the younger 3 (Steven had school) and Poppy and Grams Hatch to Kensington. We went to the farm first and met a very friendly goat that was up for selfies. It even slobbered on Penny's jacket.

After the farm we went to the nature trails and while Poppy Hatch was using the bathroom, a nice lady offered us some leftover bird seed she had. This ended up making our nature walk a lot more fun. All of us had an oppurtunity to have birds eating out of our hands. You just had to stand very still with your hand stretched out with seed on it. Ben struggled with the quiet part but still managed to get some birds to eat from him. It was super cool. Everyone lasted longer than me though, my hands (even with gloves) started to get really cold from being held out. I probably should have worn better gloves. I took some pictures and the last 2 were taken by Grams Hatch.

After Kensington Grams and Poppy took us all out to lunch at a nearby Coney's. That was nice. Then we took the kids back to the house and I took Grams and Poppy to the Zekelman Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills for a guided tour. I have never been because I wasn't sure how kid friendly it would be and I don't tend to visit museums on my own. We had debated bringing Ben but I am glad I didn't. I think he would have had a hard time paying attention but also there was this room where you watch a video of basically the aftermath of Concentration Camps- dead bodies piled up, mutilated bodies, people who look like walking skeletons. I know it really happened but it was really, really hard to see. I think Tyler's parents found the tour very informative and I felt that way as well. The only weird thing about it was that the guide seemed to think I was suffering physically and unable to stand and kept asking if I needed to sit down and if I was ok. I was the youngest by at least two decades there. And at first I thought it was because he could tell I was pregnant but he kept saying he could understand my phyiscal ails so...It was so weird. I tried to say I was fine but after awhile it wasn't worth all the protest. I just went with it. The only thing I can think of is that maybe my facial reactions to the injustices he was speaking of looked like I was physically in pain, instead of just looking like I was upset with these things that happened...Idk. I didn't take any pictures at the museum, didn't feel right.

Monday evening we took Tyler's parents out to the Cheesecake Factory to say thank you for all that they did for us. We didn't have to wait long to sit down but there was quite a long wait for our food. Apparently our appetizer (thai lettuce wraps) was taking longer than everyone else's meals so they ended up serving the appetizers last. That was lame because then I wasn't really hungry for them but all the food was still delicious. While we were there thanking Tyler's parents for everything, they asked if we needed anything for the baby and I just said that we had needed all the baby things because we have given them all away. His dad pulled out his big wad of cash and gave us $1000 to buy baby things. Now our thank you dinner seemed like pretty small fries. Anyways that was very generous of them and will be so appreciated since we have to basically start over with all the baby things. Not to mention the dr bills and hosptial bills and then diapers, wipes, potentially formula...Babies are expensive.

Tuesday morning Michelle had a couple more properties to show for Jeff and Mariah so Steven and Leslie came with. The first house had a really amazing deck- huge, with a pull out shade and a tv- it was impressive. But the layout of the house wasn't super conducive for little kids. The second house was beautiful on the outside with a great yard, and garage but this layout was even crazier. It was like a maze. Plus the current renters were still living there and it was clear it was a bunch of single guys. The place was a mess. So I think both houses were a flop. It's still so early to be looking. While I didn't think the houses were great, apparently Steven called up Mariah afterwards and said he didn't want his grandbabies being raised in those homes. A tad dramatic I would say.

After looking at the houses we came back home and had lunch. Then I took Leslie to Milford where we strolled the shops. Lots of cute overpriced things that neither of us were interested enough to buy. But it was good to get out and she says she loves window shopping. When we got back home it was time to take his parents to the airport. I am so grateful for all that they did for us, but I was also ready to get back into routines. 

Wednesday we had a massive snow storm. I think Tyler said that we got 8 inches of snow. They cancelled school for Steven that day and that meant no seminary too. I got up early anyways and got groceries before the roads were too awful and then spent the day doing school work witht the younger 3 and getting the house clean. It was a good catch up day. When Ben and Lucy finished their school work, they headed outside. Lucy redid her snowman, they had a snowball fight and they even walked to seven eleven in the snow. Penny and Steven on the other hand stayed nice and warm inside with me. 

Thursday we cancelled seminary again, just because our road was still not great that morning (and also because I was feeling SO lazy), but school itself was back in session. Once I had all the kids at school I went to Debbie's to do some painting with her and Caroline. It was a lot of fun. I didn't love the first thing I made and the second thing, I literally scraped off the paint so she could reuse the canvas. I was attempting to do flowers using a chaing but they turned out a hot mess. But it really didn't matter. It's just fun to play with paint and chat with friends.

Friday was busy. Penny had a dentist appointment in the morning to get a cavity filled. She was really upset before we left but seemed to calm down when we got there and then the laughing gas worked wonders for her, she did so good. She didn't even flinch when they numbed her tooth. For some reason though, my anxiety was off the charts that day and when I went to the doctor for my 12 week check up, my blood pressure was high. I mentioned I had just been feeling anxious that day and suddenly he was referring me to see a specially trained prenatal therapist. It felt like a massive escalation. Before he was so understanding of my anxious feelings and now I need to talk to someone and potentially take meds. Honestly being pregnant and sensititve that escalation upset me and made me tear up which only seemed to confirm his diagnosis that I need mental help. I have always had anxiety and I don't think it's been any more serious in pregnancy but I suppose it doesn't hurt to talk to a professional. It was all just very off setting and I am not sure how I'll feel at this next visit which will be with a therapist who is also a midwife. I guess I have a month until them so I can properly get anxious about it, lol. On a happy note though, the baby is still doing well and has a good strong, heart beat.

Friday evening we had the missionaries over and just did our usual pizza night. One of the missionaries was from Arizona so that was cool. He went to Mesa High School. They gave a nice lesson on serving others and then we had a Dr. Pepper cake that I had made. I was trying it out because Steven has requested one for his birthday. I think it tastes really good and moist but the Dr. Pepper taste is not really there. I'm on the fence about trying another recipe. I wonder how hard it is to actually get a cake to taste like Dr. P. 

Saturday Steven and Tyler went to Robotics club and the rest of us just had a chill day at home. Penny spent a lot of the day reading, I caught up on things and Ben and Lucy hung out with Andrea and Jacob- pacing around the freezing cold outside "role playing".

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