Saturday, January 7, 2023

Bowling, Anniversary, Pearl Dies

Last Saturday night was New Year's Eve. Ethan and Jacob from across the street came over and everyone basically played on their computers/tablets for the thrilling. At 9pm we did an early celebration of the New Year- we watched a Netflix's Countdown (which they only had 1 to use this year), we drank sparkling cider and the kids blew horns (compliment of Jacob's mom :/ they had 5 minutes and then we threw them away). The girls and I went to bed not too long after that but the boys all stayed up until midnight...And since they are all a bit loud, I struggled to fall asleep so I was basically awake at midnight after all...Happy New Year :)

Monday was Tyler's last day before he went back to work so I wanted to do something as a family. As we were being lazy in bed that morning, Tyler and I decided on bowling. Seriously minutes after we made the decision Ben and Steven came to our door asking if they could go bowling with Jacob. Ugh. In the end it was decided that Jacob would come with us, so much for family time. But it was still good to get out as a family plus one. Steven was not doing well in the first round so he wa super grouchy and refused to let me take his picture. But in the second round he started to do well and suddenly was fun to be around again. Unfortunately I had put my phone away and so I still didn't get a picture. The girls and I all shared a lane so I got to bowl with bumpers. I still did not bowl very well but I enjoyed myself (and felt the burn of muscles that haven't been used in awhile the next day). Penny made me laugh with her crazy slow bowls, you wondered if they would make it down the lane. Sometimes I thought Lucy's ball was going to smash through the floor with the way she chucked it. And Ben loved to be dramatic and fall to the ground after a bad bowl. And dad got the best scores as per usual.

Tuesday was our anniversary but since we are going to Boston on the 17th, we didn't exchange gifts or have any magnificent plans. Instead we decided to go as a family to Olive Garden and use the giftcard my parents had given us for Christmas. We had Steven drive us there and he had a difficult time getting there because of traffic and his slowness in making lane changes. We ended up driving past it and having to take a long loop back. There were some tense moments in which I may have raised my voice but we all survived. We had a long wait when we got there because apparently everyone checks in online now but it was worth the wait. The soup, the breadsticks, the all makes my pregnant cravings so happy. We also had fun playing some games with the kids to pass time because even once we sat down, there was a long wait between appetizers and food. We attempted to play two truths and a lie- it was funny- the kids were terrible. Then we played a game where we chose a topic and then had to think of a word for each letter in the alphabet that goes with the topic. That was better game for them. Afterwards Steven drove us home and that was a lot less stressful-- more right turns. 

Tuesday night after we had put the kids to bed, the boys came down all worried because Pearl was acting lethargic and not eating. When we went to see her, I could tell immediately she was not going to make it through the night. Ben was super distraught, Steven honestly didn't seem too upset. We basically told them to make her comfortable and say goodbye. The next morning she had indeed passed away. She was 5 years old so it was a pretty good length life for a guinea pig. That afternoon we had a funeral. Steven and Tyler dug a hole in the back corner of our yard and then we put her in. Tyler gave a little Eulogy and the kids could not stop giggling during it. My kids are weird and do not know how to handle emotions. They'll probably laugh at my funeral. Then we covered her flat little body and made a little headstone with a brick for her. Steven said we should get another guinea pig so Mariah will still have a friend but that would just continue the cycle of guinea pigs and I have reservations about that, especially since he only has 3.5 years of high school left. He hasn't pushed getting another one so I have just sort of let it drop.

Wednesday night everyone had activities at the church except Ben so after dropping the kids off at church, Tyler and I went to Costco with Ben. I was craving some strawberry ice cream so of course I had to fulfill that craving and Ben wanted some ice cream as well. He said he's not quite a teenager yet so I could take his picture ;)

School had started back up on Wednesday for Steven so the younger 3 dived back into their school work Wednesday as well. It was nice getting them back to work, we have all been especially lazy this winter break. We however, did not start seminary this week. I needed just one more full week of not waking up early before diving back in. Seminary and pregnancy are going to be tricky.

Despite the stress of Steven driving to Olive Garden Tuesday, I have been trying to drive with him more. Overall he does good and I stay calm but Friday he managed to freak me out enough that I snapped and yelled. He was turning left and the light had turned red and he was just sitting in the intersection. I told him to go and he slowly inches forward, so then I yelled at him to "go!" because as I said before, we were in the middle of an intersection on a red light. He can be SO slow and sometimes overly cautious. I also think left turns are his nemisis. I apologized afterwards but racking up these 30 hours of driving with him is certainly a challenge.

Friday Lucy had her annual doctor's visit and when I showed the doctor the wart on Lucy's thumb instead of making a future appt she took care of it right then. First she scraped off the top and then she froze it. It was super painful for Lucy but she was super brave. I was proud of her and I hope it actually goes away so she can be done with it.

Saturday Tyler and I had Steven drive us to Sportsman Warehouse and a few other stores. I was looking for some warm weather clothes for our trip to Boston. Steven did really well driving- he even had to merge on some freeways- but he did not appreciate my shopping. I was even surprisingly quick but 10 minutes in a store is apparently too long for him. Can't wait until he gets a girlfriend someday ;). 

Also this week I did some pour painting. I started trying to make a fire explosion but it didn't quite work so I changed it into an autumn leaf instead. I think it's one of my favorites so far, it turned out pretty cool.

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