Thursday, January 26, 2023

Boston Day 4 and Home

Thursday was our last full day in Boston. We had did all the things on our must do list so I debated a lot on what we should do- even considered taking public transportation to Salem or Cape Cod. In the end I decided we were in Boston and should see ALL the things we can. So after breakfast our first stop was the Old State House. The Old State House is one of the oldest surviving public buildings in Boston, although we learned they have no pictures of how it was originally and because of fires, lots of changes to it have occured. This was my least favorite stop of the trip. On the top floor there was a volunteer that Tyler asked a lot of questions and she gave very long answers and I was just not interested. I was so bored for most of this visit. Although I did learn that Lucy should live in Scotland since their national symbol is a unicorn. And I also learned that the long 's' in print was typed with an 'f' so that made things hard to read.

When Tyler was finally done there we headed to the Old South Meeting House. We stopped at a little bookstore on our way there but I was feeling blah and not in the mood to stroll so we didn't stay long. The Old South Meeting House ended up being a place that I really enjoyed. The volunteer there was not boring and she managed to keep my interest and teach me all sorts of thing. We learned that this was a Puritans meeting hall and patrons had to purchase their benches. What was cool is a family's bench was enclosed which would be great for keeping little kids out of trouble, but it was actually like that so they could stay warm with something that worked like a space heater. We also learned that when the British took over Boston, they turned the Meeting House into a Riding Stable. What a way to desecrate that sacred space. 

By the time we finished there, I was definitely ready for some lunch so we took the subway to Chinatown. Originally we were going to go to a waffle place that looked really yummy- I know we were going to be weird and go to Chinatown to get waffles. BUT on our way to the waffle place we saw a corgi doll in a Chinese shop that we decided to get for Penny and as we were leaving I decided to ask for a food recommendation from the cashier. She directed us to the Hong Kong Eatery. The place was packed but a nice guy directed us to a machine where we could order on and helped us work it (because it was in Chinese at first). We decided to just get one entree to share (Beef and peppers) because we were still going to get waffles. We got to wait next to a table full of whole roasted pigs (receipts showed they cost anywhere from $400- $500). When the food was ready we walked back to the subway station and ate at a bench since the tables there were full of pigs and it was cold and snowy outside. The food was so good and I am so glad I asked for the recommendation. 

When we were done with the amazing food, we walked to the waffle place and had the yummiest waffles ever. I got strawberry shortcake. I regret that we went to Chinatown on our last full day because I would have loved to eat at both of those places again.

Our next destination was the Paul Revere House.It's one of the oldest buildings in Boston. Apparently Paul Revere owned the house for 30 years and lived there for 10 so...not really HIS house since it has been around since the 1600's...It was big for those days but also small for the cost to visit. The guides there didn't really have much to say and I probaly wouldn't visit again. You couldn't take pictures inside so it probaly would've been enough to just take a picture of the outside and avoid the visit.

After that we headed to the Subway and went back to Cambridge to vist the Cambridge Antique Market. This building had 4 floors of antiques. It was fun to stroll and see some things from our childhood but nothing worth buying. 

Then it was back to our hotel to rest. While resting we ate a Boston Cream Pie that we had picked up while we were out because of course you have to eat that while in Boston. It was yummy! After that we had to decide what we should eat for dinner. It was snowy outside and we were tired so we decided to stay close and visit the pub across the street, The Black Rose. This ended up being an excellent choice. I got their pretzel and dip for an appetizer- it was huge and so good. Then I got shepherd's pie for my meal, also so yummy. I would say that overall on Friday I ate a LOT of really good food. 

Saturday came and I felt sad to have to head back home. It really had been a good escape. We attempted to go have breakfast at a diner that morning but it was packed inside with tons of people waiting outside and we just didn't have time. Google totally misdirected us because it had said it was just a little busy. So we stuck with tradition and hit up Panera. Then it was back to our hotel to pack up and check out. Once again everything went smoothly with public transportation. We took the subway to the bus station, hopped on the needed bus and got off on our terminal. On our flight we got to sit next to eachother again and even had the row to ourself. Despite them saying it was a full flight there were 2 empty rows by us so the lady who had been by us moved to one of them. This time my screen worked so I watched a classic "Italian Job" and it ended right as we landed. 

When we got back it was dinner time and Poppy and Grams Hatch were good to us and took us all out to dinner so we wouldn't have to worry about feeding everyone. It was a perfect end to a perfect week. 

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