Saturday, January 14, 2023

10 Weeks, Bunco

Monday I spent cleaning the house so things would be beautiful for Bunco. I dusted places that I have not dusted for a very long time. I also put more things in the basement than I probably should have. Tyler hates me cluttering up his work space with junk.

Tuesday morning our seminary "boss" came to teach our seminary class. It was really nice to be able to just sit back and let him be in charge. This is his paid job so obviously he is pretty good at teaching. He was able to get all our kids to participate. I had told him there was a student who liked to talk and sometimes had controversial comments or uncomfortable comments. Afterwards he knew exactly who I was talking about, no surprise. 

Tuesday afternoon I had my first official doctor's appointment. I was super anxious about it. 10 weeks was when I had Isaac's first appointment and found out I had had a missed miscarriage. Honestly I will probably be anxious at every appointment but this one felt especially hard. I had Tyler come with me and it was nice he did because when we got to the parking lo, tthere were literally no spots. I ended up having to have Tyler drop me off at the front and he had to circle like a shark waiting for a spot. According to the nurse, parking is always bad because the parking garage is still under construction. However, it was not that busy when I went the last time, maybe because it was the holidays? When we got back to the doctor, he was really apologetic about the wait time but honestly my last office had much worse wait times so with my low bar set, a 20 minute wait was no big deal. Or maybe because I always had to go with kids at my last office, these wait times just seem better? The doctor immediately got out the doppler and I was grateful that I didn't have to wait. The doctor had no problem finding the heartbeat and then he moved the screen so I could see my little gummy bear jumping around. It was so reassuring. Afterwards he went over lab results and previous history and said he wasn't worried, everything appears to be good. I can't decide if I appreciated his lack of concern or if it felt a bit flippant. But he did catch on to my anxiety quickly and said usually the next appt wouldn't be until I was 14 weeks but if I wanted, I could come in at 12. I obviously said yes to that offer. 

Tuesday evening I was hosting Bunco. I hate hosting. I had easy food but also all of it had to be heated/cooked last minute so I was in the kitchen sweating like crazy when people started to arrive. Once they started to come, my social anxiety reared its head so I become super high strung, and awkward and even more sweaty. For me, the first half hour is always the worst part of a party I am hosting. Once everyone was there and eating food, I was able to cool off some and the rest of the night was good and I think everyone had a good time with my Chinese New Year theme. I even had some brave people who tried the nasty candy I had bought from the Chinese Market. I swear it was salty 🤢 Most people really liked the coconut candy I had gotten, that was the favorite. The Mochi I got for dessert wasn't apparently a huge favorite. I did not win a prize which was a shame- I had awesome gift cards. I literally had 1 point too much for the loser prize.

Also, on Tuesday, Steven started Robotics Club. His friend is in it and his friend's mom reached out to me about Steven joining. Steven has a been a blob lately so I thought why not. Steven personally was not interested but I told him he could join the Robotics Club or get a job and he seemed to decide the club was slightly less evil. So he goes to every meeting but he goes with lots of complaints. Tyler is mentoring and enjoying being there but he says Steven tends to just sit in the corner with his friend and play on his phone. Boo. Hopefully he'll realize not participating is the reason he is bored and start to join in more in the future. Hopefully!

Wednesday the kids all had their dentist appointments. The boys enjoyed playing with the baby toy in the waiting room so I had to take a picture. We had a very friendly, chatty hygentist who was very nice about what a beautiful and great family I have. I also got told by the dentist how my kids need to ortho work and I just straight up told them I know they do but the cost is too much. Then my pregnancy hormones made my cheeks redden and I wanted to hide under a chair. Any sort of awkward attention makes them redden these days. Pregnancy is so fun.

Friday morning our seminary students were supposed to be writing a devotional but Tyler distracted them with how the public school system is failing them. Him and his soapboxes. Later Friday I went with my friend Michelle (who is a real estate agent) to look at houses for Mariah. We saw 5 houses and honestly I would only live in 1 of them. 3 of them were small and had weird layouts and 1 was falling apart. The one that I liked was a little run down but it was really roomy and in a great neighborhood. Honestly it's better than the house we're in ;) We still have a few more houses to look at so we shall see where they end up. I had a great time looking at house and chatting with Michelle. We had some deep church conversations. It seems to be my thing these days, to talk to people struggling with the church. She is not massively struggling, just had a bit of a frustrating situation with her Bishop. I can definitely relate to that. 

Friday night the kids had friends over so I did a puzzle and watched "Persuasion" on Netflix. It was a really clean chick flick, I rather enjoyed it. Saturday Tyler and Steven were at Robotics Club most of the day and I spent my day running a few errands and getting some things done around the house. I honestly have not had that much on my plate lately. The days feel long with time to get my tasks done and then plenty of time to spare. Tyler says I should just enjoy it because the baby will change all that and I know that's true but I have never been very good at idleness. I feel like I need to find something to fill that extra time with but haven't quite figured out what. 

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