Saturday, June 4, 2022

School's Out

 Sunday I had to give a talk in church and I about died of nerves. About halfway through my talk I started to panic and feel like I was going to have to run from the pulpit but somehow I managed to pass it off as emotion and I got through. I tried to ad lib a couple times during my talk because a seminary student had spoken before me and had said some similar things to me but the ad libbing didn't go well. I will not try to do that again. Better just to repeat information. Afterwards, looking at my watch, I saw the my heart rate had pretty much sky rocketed for the hour before and during the talk. Got a work out I suppose. SO glad it's over.

Monday was Memorial Day. In the morning I went to see the new "Downton Abby" movie with my friend Stacie. Afterwards she invited me over to chat for a bit. It was a nice visit. I feel like we align on our political stances more than I do with most of my other friends. I don't feel like I have to walk on egg shells when talking with her about my opinions. She is usually anti social though so we only get together like twice a year. When I got home, I cleaned the house, super exciting, and then that evening we had a BBQ at the Bloomfield's house. The kids went crazy with the hose and trampoline outside (it was a hot day) and the adults hid inside eating and socializing. 

Tuesday after we finished school work we met some friends at the beach. This time it was good beach day where my friends actually stayed awhile and the kids got in some good playtime. It was a perfect beach day in that it was warm enough for the kids to enjoy the water but not so warm that the adults were roasting. There was a nice breeze that made me wish I had a hammock to nap in.

Wednesday, all the kids had their dentist appointment. No cavities but they are recommending ortho for 3 out of the 4 kids. The hygentist tried to push it for Steven too but I told her we weren't paying thousands to fix one crooked tooth. The dentist, surprisingly, agreed with me. We have Ben's appointment with the ortho soon and then I'll have to make some decisions. We could do all 3 if we had to but it would really wipe out our savings and with the inflated economy, I do not want to do that. Not to mention all the driving school and high school expenses that are coming up with Steven. We need that savings. It's funny what a first world country we live in that orthodontics are pushed at us so much. 

After their dentist appointment I rewarded the no cavities with some Crumbl Cookies- because that makes sense right? I heated mine up later that night and served it with ice cream and it was soooooo good. Oh how food makes me happy. Then that night Ben had his last soccer practice for the season and the kids all had activities at the church. None of my friends were there so I ended up just reading a book and it seemed like anyone who passed by was super interested to know about what I was reading. It was a bit of a trashy read so I am going to have to rethink the kind of books I bring to church if people are going to be so interested, lol.

Thursday we finished up our school work for the year and got it all ready to turn in. Felt so good! Then I took just Penny on a walk to 7-11 so she could have some one on one time. That girl talked the whole way there and back. Mostly about Minecraft and other games she has played or youtube videos she has watched. I tried real hard to act interested. It was fun just to have some one-on-one time with her though. I am trying to do better at giving my kids that time. That evening Steven had his last archery class for this session. We are trying to see if we can find him some better quality lessons.

Friday we turned in all the things to Renaissance. School is officially over!!!

After we turned in all the things we met some friends at a nearby playground. 2 families from Renaissance that the girls are good friends with and then the Mays came too. Steven stayed at home because his friend David wasn't coming and Ben was a bit of a jerk and said he wouldn't hang out with him. I wish the boys got along better. It was a good outing overall, I just failed to wear sunscreen and ended up getting super burnt. 

Friday evening I convinced Tyler to take the whole family kayaking. He hates doing things in the evenings and especially things that require a lot of effort-like loading up kayaks. We only have 5 kayaks so Penny rode with Tyler and then Jacob brought his own kayak and came with us. I was worried it was going to be a disaster and it honestly started out as one. Lucy, who had been begging to go kayaking, began the adventure by freaking out. Lots of whining and crying that she couldn't do it and she was going to fall in. Then my new hat flew off into the water and while trying to deal with her freaking out, I was trying to get it but totally failing. Once I got it and then had a long talk with Lucy about how she has a life vest and won't die if she falls in, things got much better and it ended up being a really nice outing. I would love to do family kayaking more often, if I could get Tyler on board.

Saturday, Tyler took Steven and Lucy to kid's day at Livingston Conservation and Sports in Brighton. It was an attempt to find a next step with archery but apparently it was not successful. Archery is a winter sport. Weird. Anyways, they seemed to still have fun and they both got a free fishing rod out of it so maybe we'll have to have a fishing adventure sometime. Meanwhile I dropped Ben off at a birthday party and then took Penny to Spun Sugar to get some cotton candy for Tyler for Father's Day. Of course, they gave her free cotton candy so she didn't mind the drive at all. I minded the drive a bit though, $5/gallon is painful. Later I picked up Ben and went to take him to his last soccer game but I went to the wrong place. For some reason I had it in my head that it was at the fields by our house but it was actually out in Novi. The party I had just picked him up from was literally near Novi. I was so mad at myself for the mistake but luckily Ben just missed warm ups and made it with a few minutes to spare before the game started. It was a great game for him. He tried hard and almost made 2 goals- so close. He was disappointed that he never scored a goal but his team still won, 4 to 1. It was a good team and a really good experience for him. 

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