Saturday, June 11, 2022

Summer Days

 Sunday was Seminary Graduation. The Stake was in charge so we got to just come and watch, we dragged our kids along too. Thankfully the speakers, being both youth and seminary teachers, knew the value of keeping things short and entertaining. It went quickly and there were only about 20 teens graduating so the handing out of certificates wasn't wicked long either. We had two of our students graduating, Alyssa and Jake. Jake had his high school graduation right before and managed to scrape in right when they read his name. Afterwards their was cake so the kids were glad they came.

Tuesday I had to drive out to Oxford so Steven could turn in his school computer. It was a long drive and with gas being so expensive I felt like we needed to build in a fun stop nearby. I ended up taking everyone to the Great Lakes Crossing Outlets after we dropped off the computer. We checked out the Lego Store, got some hair flowers for Penny's baptism pictures at Claire's and of course, got pretzels. Our last stop was at Bass Pro Shop where I decided to finally use a giftcard we had for a camping chair with a canopy. I am excited for my permanent shade.

After we got home from it, I got the birds out and they did really good and sat on my hands. It's so hit or miss with them but I really do love having them.


Tuesday evening I had Bunco and I actually did really well, I was only 10 points behind the winner but I still won a prize for most Bunco's. I got water ballons and a picnic blanket, perfect summer things. Here I am with Fancy Nancy, Debbie, and Grace.

Wednesday I decided it was time to go through all our Lego's and fix up our own minifigures, we like to use Lego's in seminary and our minifigures are such a mess- missing hands, hair, pants...It was a long project but I do love organizing and it's fun that we now have a bunch of good minifigs. I wonder how long they will stay put together. Hopefully until seminary starts.

Also on Wednesday, the girls finished their paintings they had been working on. They turned out really nice.

Thursday I had to go in to get my permanent crown. I was dreading it so much because the dentist's assistant had been so awkward last time but apparently telling him I had 4 kids eased the awkwardness. The crown still feels slightly uncomfortable but I feel like it always does. That evening I took Penny to get baptism pictures at the temple. Caroline was taking the pictures and Melissa was going to do Penny's hair but Melissa ended up getting sick so I attempted to do her hair myself. It was ok. We also picked up Melissa's kid, Jesse, so he could get his pictures done as well. When we got there, the weather took a turn and it got cloudy and windy. And not too much later it started sprinkling. We left just as it downpoured. I swear it rains everytime I get pictures taken. God doesn't want me to be too vain maybe? I think Caroline was able to get some good shots. I had bought a golden 8 balloon and that was sort of a waste. She only got one picture with it and Penny was holding it weird. Oh, well. On the way back, just as we got home, the sun came out and it was beautiful. Apparently we had the worst timing. I took a picture of Penny with her balloon, just to document the balloon and the sun.

I had also colored on some Book of Mormon's for the photo shoot. They turned out nice. I did one for Penny and one for Jesse.

Friday morning I took the boys to see the latest Jurrasic World movie. It was not the best in the series but I still thought it was fun and had some good nods to the past. The boys seemed to really enjoy it too. They should probably call it a wrap on that serious though, they tend to just repeat ideas. After the movie I had a thrilling discussion with Steven on what treat we should get for him to bring to his friend's house. Apparently it was a life altering decision and he just couldn't make it. I know I am an indecisive person but woof, he puts me to shame. We ended up getting Oreo's and then I dropped him off at his friend's house. The rest of us went to our beach's neighborhood party. They had bounce houses and food. Besides the outburst of rain and hail, it was a good time. Thankfully the outburst was short lived and I had my amazing new chair with a canopy. 

Saturday morning I took the girls to a primary party. I think they had a blast but I felt like it was too long. Way too many activities that they had to organize the kids for before they finally got to the pizza and ice cream. It was really tough on the younger kids to have to wait for the anticipated treats. They also did a game where they were supposed to stomp on each other's balloons and that left 4 young kids crying. A bit of a disaster.

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