This week we had our last 2 days of seminary and I am honestly so happy to be done. I was really struggling near the end. It didn't help that I came down with a cold Sunday and just wasn't feeling great those last two mornings, super congested and exhausted. On Monday we had one last day of Lego play and had them all make a scence from one of the Old Testament stories we talked about. We had several people do David and Goliath and several do Cain and Able. Apparently our students like violence. Tuesday we did breakfast, an auction and I handed out Old Testament Awards (i.e. The Noah Award for being a friend to animals, The David Award for most likely to slay a giant, The Boaz Award for saving damsels in distress, etc). We had 9 out of our 13 kids show up so that meant that some of the students got quite a bit of gift cards at the auction. I think it was a good end to the year. We are still not 100% sure if we will be returning next year but I don't think they exactly have a bunch of other options...
Monday evening, after Ben's soccer practice, we went to go see the May's Homeschool Concert. All the May kids were in a choir except Lizzie but this concert also included band and orchestra groups. We missed Peter singing but got there right as Andrea sang. Then we waited almost a full 2 hours to hear David sing. It was painfully long and I was not feeling well and knew I had to wake up early to make breakfast for seminary the next morning. It was rough. But I think they Mays were really happy to have someone be there for them and there were yummy treats afterwards so that made it worth it, right?

Tuesday night we had another concert to go to but this time we left the kids at home. This concert was only 1.5 hours and felt much less painful. I was just struggling because I had a runny nose and I am sure my sniffling was not super appreciated by the germaphobic world. We went to go see our seminary student, Jake, play in his last orchestra concert. He is a senior this year. Added bonus, we saw my friend Stacie's daughter play as well.
After the concert I went from a runny nose to not being able to breathe so in desperateness I took a Sudafed. I was finally able to breathe but I hate the side affects so much. I did not sleep well because I felt all anxious and funky. But honestly after that rough night the cold seemed to have turned a corner and I felt much better after that so maybe the Sudafed is worth one awful night?
Wednesday Ben had his parents versus kids game and I didn't go but Tyler said the kids actually gave the parents a run for their money. Ben really is on a good team. Ben then had an activity at the same soccer field for ym's which Tyler stuck around for. Tyler was very sore after 2 hours of soccer play. Meanwhile I took the rest of the kids to the church building so Steven could get to his activity. At his activity they learned karate from Jake. Jake is the one from the orchestra concert above and he is also the one that karate chopped our cactus pinata in half. Apparently he also took down one of Steven's friends and they were worried something might have broke. Oooof.
Thursday Tyler was nice and took all the kids to Steven's archery practice so I could have a night off. He also talked to the coach about other oppurtunities for Steven. The coach said he would get us a list. I hope something pans out so we can encourage Steven's archery talent. While they were all out, I watched a trash movie and put together a little bird playground I had ordered for my budgies. Tuesday morning I had gotten their wings clipped so we have been taking them out some. We usually have to coherce them to get them out and Gill looks like he is going to die of nervousness. Coral does alright and I even got her to sit on my hand for a long while. I have some hope for her but not so much Gill. They also like to run over and hide in Penny's dollhouse.

On Friday Tyler and I went to drop off things to all the kids who didn't attend the last days of seminary. We also dropped off something for Gabby since she's graduating early- we got all our Seniors a notebook that says "Deep Thoughts." The joke has always been that Tyler makes them think deep thoughts too early in the morning. It is weird to be at Gabby's house where they all pretend like everything is normal and their daughter didn't run away from home and other such things. So we all just pretend everything is cool. Then the Springer's came over to drop something off and we had them talk about their son and his drama. I was happy to make up an excuse and get out. We also had a super awkward drop off for Kassandra. Her brother answered the door and then apparently she refused to come out and instead of him just telling us that, he just left the door open while we stood their awkwardly for like 10 minutes. Finally we were like, please just give this to her and left. Anyways, now I feel like we can take a break from all things seminary for a bit.
Saturday I had a really lazy morning and then I thought I was going to hang at the beach all afternoon with friends but it was a coolere day and they didn't last very long. It ended up just being a 2 hour beach excursion. Lame. That evening Ben had another movie night with his church friends and Steven was feeling left out so I decided to take him to see "Dr Strange 2." He hasn't really seen all the Marvel movies that come before that but he still seemed to enjoy it, even if he didn't understand all the things.
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