Sunday was Father's Day. We had Stake Conference and Tyler and Penny were in the choir so there was no sleeping in for Tyler, he had to get there early to practice. After church, Ben made Tyler some scrambled eggs. And then for dinner we had steak- which he cooked himself because he is particular about his steak. His gifts this year were an "on air" sign so he can let us know when he's in a meeting, cotton candy and a mountain dew shirt from Ben.
Monday morning it was rainy which was actually a tender mercy. It meant Lucy's archery was cancelled so I didn't have to rush to pick her up from it and then try to get David and Steven to Trek on time. Drop off from Trek was an hour away and that was made a little longer with picking up David. Once there, parking was a bit of a mess. In attempt to not jam things up, they basically jammed things up. So I took a quick picture, helped Steven find his wagon and then got my car out of the way. I didn't even say goodbye to him properly, that's one of the side affects of high stress situations, I lose proper social skills.

Since Melissa and her husband were on trek, we watched their middle child, AJ for them. The oldest was on trek as well and the youngest stayed with Grace. I realize how easily I get annoyed with other people's kids, I'm not proud of that fact but I *think* I masked my annoyance well. I think. The thing that bugged me the most was that his mom had apparently told him he had to do chores and help while he was here so he was constantly asking me for chores and asking what he could do to help. Even after I told him his chore was to hang out with Ben, he still kept asking. I don't like to be pestered. I like my peace.
Tuesday archery was back on so I dropped Lucy off at her archery class and the rest of us hung out in Milford. We played at the park, walked back to the creek and played there and got cookies at the Milford Bakery. We even picked up a mustache cookie for Lucy.
Tuesday afternoon we met Grace's family at our beach. The kids only lasted an hour, they were pretty lame, but at least it got us out of the house for a bit. Later, AJ was complaining that he was having an allergic reaction to the beach and couldn't breath. His mom has told me he's allergic to the beach but he was breathing just fine. I think he's a tad dramatic but I gave him some Benadryl because I couldn't have him dying on me.
Wednesday they had a church activity at the beach and AJ insisted he wanted to get in the water again and once again he came back complaining. This time he said he was covered in hives and he said the Bendryl didn't help. From what I could see, I think he had a light rash? I guess we're horrible hosts. Also Wednesday, we had Peter stay the night because Caroline had to take Lizzie to the ER for a ear infection gone wrong. He pretty much just blended in with all the other kids and was super easy...until Thursday morning...
Thursday morning I had to take Peter to his Summer Camp. Right before leaving Lucy knocked into me and a bowl 3/4 full of milk (that I was cleaning up from the table) spilled everywhere. By the time I cleaned that up, we really needed to leave but then Peter lost one of his shoes. My patience was thin at this point and I about exploded on Peter. I ended up giving him Ben's crocks and rushing out the door. Later we found his shoe on the side of the road. Apparently he had dropped it on the way back from the beach.
Lucy had her last day of archery Thursday and got a score of 25. After struggling to shoot that first day, that was some good progress. By the time I took her home from archery, AJ had been picked up and Steven had been dropped off. Caroline had orginally been the one who was going to pick up Steven since I had to get Lucy to archery and back but obviously couldn't with sick Lizzie so thankfully, after texting 4 people, the RS Pres was able to get her. I felt so grateful to her. Especially since I am way out of the way from her and gas is so expensive.
Steven seemed to have enjoyed Trek. He said it was miserable hot and he never felt dry due to sweat, humidity and crossing a river, but he made some new friends and did some fun things. Here are a few pics his Ma and Pa (Bro and Sis Kelly) sent me:
Thursday night, I was happy to have just my own kids at home so we celebrated with a bike ride to seven-eleven (with Tyler!) and got some treats. Then we came back and all watched "Jurassic Park" which probably traumatized the girls, although I realize I had watched it when I was Penny's age.
Friday morning the kids all helped our neighbor Sharon with some yard work. Then in the afternoon we met some friends from Renassiance at the beach. This finally felt like a true beach day because we actually stayed there until dinner time. It was really nice. Except for the fact that I misheard a story one of the moms was telling me and basically asked her a question that she had just answered in the story. I felt like a dummy. Then I tripped in front of her car as we were leaving. Ugh. This is why I don't make new friends easily.
Saturday we had zero plans which is highly unusual but ended up being so nice. We did a Costco run, I took the girls to the beach for a little bit, I did some baking while Tyler took the kids to play tennis in the wicked heat (90's again) and then Tyler and I went out to dinner. It was a nice and chill day. Next weekend will be in Missouri and I am praying we don't have another car breakdown. My car is struggling to start each time we fill it up at the gas station. Tyler thinks it'll be fine. I think my luck says otherwise. We would take the Suburban but that's more expensive with gas and not much more reliable.
Also this week I finished my first 2000 piece puzzle. Ben was supposed to help but he didn't so much...
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