Saturday, May 21, 2022

New Pet, End of Year Picnic, and Temple Time

Sunday evening I went over to the Springer's home to return their birds and ended up coming home with two birds to keep. She had hoped to give us these two birds with their baby. The plan was we would have these birds feed their baby and get the baby comfy with us and then when it was weaned we would sell the parents and keep the baby. Unfortunately the baby did not make it so she presented us with two options. One was to keep the parents and try breeding them again in the Fall. Then we could hand train their baby. The other option was to buy another baby from a breeder that will have been hand fed. The first option was $100 for both birds and the cage. The second option would have been $200 for just the bird. Obviously I went for the first option. We now have two birds that we can potentially breed in the Fall, if I am up for it. Raising a baby bird sounds slightly intimidating. 

She wasn't sure that these birds would be friendly but they are doing pretty good. They aren't quick to bite and they will go on our fingers for a bit. Next week we will get their wings clipped and see how they do when let out. We named the boy Gill and the girl Coral after Wings of Fire Characters (and also Gill is named after Penny's "pet" plastic dragon that she kept in my lamp and fed pencils).

Monday, I went to the Pet Store to get them some fun things for the cage and some other basics. They didn't have a huge selection so I ended up ordering a few things from Amazon too. It was fun to spoil my new birds ;). Later, after the kids finished their work, we rode our bikes to the library and then walked from there to 7-11. Right after we got home from our outing there was a quick pour down of rain. We had gotten home just in the nick of time. That night Lucy had her last Volleyball game. Everyntime the other team got the ball over the net they all had to run to the server and squeal, hug and high five. It was rather obnoxious. Despite the frequent squealing, Lucy's team won. After her game, Ben had a soccer game. Tyler was able to go and Lucy went too. Penny and Steven stayed home because Penny said her stomach hurt. Ben's team won his game as well. Still not much playing time but he does alright when he does get out there. Lucy, after overcoming nerves, attempted to befriend a couple girls that were at the game. She was kind of like the third wheel but I was proud of her for putting herself out there.

Tuesday I had a dentist appointment to get my crown fixed. The new assistant of the dentist makes me uncomfortable. He gives off weird vibes and cracks awkward jokes. He also got the goo for making a tooth impression ALL over my face and in my hair. That was not fun to try and pick off. I am dreading going back to get my permanent crown.

Tuesday evening we took our boys plus the May's oldest kids and the Bloomfield's oldest kids to do Baptisms for the Dead. The car was LOUD. Mostly Ben and AJ seem to lack the ability to talk quietly. Thankfully they all calmed down in the temple. Afterwards we went to get our traditional Frosty at Wendy's but after waiting for a long while we were informed they were only taking cash and their Frosty machine was down. Awesome. So we went to DQ instead. Tyler is always so grumbly when I make evening plans but I am glad we are able to get these kids out to go to the temple. I am glad my boys have good friends. Even if they are loud ;)

Wednesday Penny had another Ortho appointment because of her itty bitty mouth. They said we could try an expander and potentially she wouldn't have to have two adult teeth pulled or we could just pull those two teeth. I am leaning towards just pulling. Paying out the nose for just a chance of saving two teeth seems like a bad idea. I have an Ortho appointment for Ben next month so I told them that would probably be my decider. If he needs work I'll pay for his and then just pull her teeth. I do not want to pay for orthodonticts for two kids at the same time.

Wednesday night both Lucy and Ben had their parents vs kids games but due to bad weather Ben's was cancelled. That was lucky because then Tyler didn't have to feel bad about missing Ben's. As coach he sort of had to go to Lucy's. It was fun watching how intense some parents are, ha. A couple parents were nice and went in for a giftcard to Dick's Sporting Goods for Tyler for being the coach. That was a nice surprise.

Thursday the kids had their End of the Year Picnic for Renaissance.It was fun for them but not for me. At first I thought it was going to be ok because I was waiting in line with Penny's friend's mom and we were having a good chat but then she went to sit at a crowded table. I ended up moving us to a table kind of far away, just so me and all my kids would have somewhere to sit. But when the kids all finished their food and went to hang out with their friends, I had no one to hang with. I talked to one of Penny's teachers for a minute but after standing awkwardly in a crowd, I went and sat by myself by a tree. After a bit I decided to try and re-enter the social scene and their was space by Penny's friend's mom so I sat myself there. Then this mom and her two friends proceeded to ignore my presence for a long while. I finally tried to enter the conversation but it wasn't well received. I was really grateful when the whip cream fight started so I went and watched that. I doubt the kids will particpate in the whip cream fight next year, they did not love it and were eager to get home and clean up.

Thursday evening Steven had archery and it was fun to watch. He did real good when they put up ballons on the targets. The first goal was to not hit them and he succeeded for that. The second goal was to hit them and he hit them all. I really want to find him a better archery program and get him entering in competitions. This is a place I can really see him excelling in.

Friday we spent some time at the beach with the Mays and then that evening Tyler and I went to the temple. My friend Ashlee went too but for some reason she didn't sit with me during the session. Oh well. Afterwards we had a nice chat and then parted ways, Tyler and I off to Applebee's as per tradition.

Saturday Ben had a birthday party, Steven had a birthday party and we had some friends over. Also, Ben had a soccer game (which his team won). I miss Saturdays of family outings. Instead it's just a choas of kids and friends.

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