Sunday, May 15, 2022

Mother's Day, Kayaking, Color Day

Sunday was Mother's Day. For Mother's Day I got some kitchen towels, measuring spoons, a puzzle, a dress, church shoes and flowers. At church Lucy and Penny sang a duet on one of the verses of "More Than Enough". They apparently hadn't memorized the words and couldn't see the poster board extremely well so they struggled through a bit of it but it was still cute. For Relief Society the Bishopric each shared a story about a woman who made a positive impact in their life and then we all got to chat and eat some food. After church Tyler made me crepes for lunch and chicken burrito bowls for dinner.I ended the day reading a book outside and enjoying nice weather. I think it's safe to say I was properly spoiled for mother's day.

On Monday after we finished our school work, we walked to the library so we could get the movie "Inkheart", we had just finished listening to it in the car. At the library Steven got crabby at me because I wouldn't let him get a Nintendo Switch Game that was rated Teen- it looked questionable- and so then it was my fault that he needed another 15 minutes to pick out a new game. It was extremely frustrating. But when we got home, we watched the movie and that was nice escape. They definitely changed a lot of stuff from the book but I would say it was still a fun watch. Then it was dinner time and then Lucy and Ben had their sports. While they were gone Penny and I played Chinese Checkers. She recently discovered it but I think she's getting tired of playing it because she keeps losing to me ;) I sure don't mind playing. 

On Tuesday I went to the dentist. I hate going. This time I decided to beat them at their own game and just tell them that I should floss better. Doesn't matter that I do floss, I know they were going to tell me that anyways. The dentist always says I have beautiful teeth and then proceeds to tell me what is wrong with them. This time it's a cracked crown that I will be getting fixed next week. Yay. Probably all my crowns is what makes my teeth so beautiful. 

Tuesday night I had Bunco. Fancy Nancy was hosting. Grace got to sub so I picked up her and Melissa. It was a lot of fun but also a bit exhausting. I feel like just rolling dice gets old so I have to "put on my funny" and roll the dice in a silly way or whatever, just to add some fun. I had a couple rounds with Debbie as my mentor. She would tell me how to roll (use your left hand, use only 3 fingers, etc) and I always got the number- it was funny. Then there was the round where Melissa stared at my dice and I kept getting the right numbers. I got 15 baby Bunco's that night (that's where you get 3 of a number, just not the number that you're rolling for) so I got a prize for that. It was a late night because once I got home, it took me awhile to decompress and actually fall asleep. Then I woke up in the middle of the night with tummy issues. Blech.

Wednesday I felt the repercussions of staying up too late. The kids were driving me batty, probably because I was irritable. We ended up having the Mays over in the afternoon. I think that helped the kids irritate me less but it meant I didn't get a nap. That evening Lucy's team won their volleyball game (all 3 rounds). She was doing a lot better and actually hitting the ball when it came at her. There were several back and forth volley's. I was impressed. I feel like last time she played she got better near the end too. After volleyball and soccer the boys had activities at 2 different locations. I had gotten it into my head that they were next to each other so I could easily get them both home. Thankfully a friend corrected my mistake and Tyler was able to take care of one while I handled the other. I hate when the activities aren't at the church.

Thursday was the kids last day of in person school, their last 3 weeks will be done at home. After I got the groceries and ran a few errands, I decided to go kayaking. I had been trying to think what I wanted to do with my last alone day and realized I mostly enjoy doing things with my kids but a peaceful kayak ride did sound nice. It was really peaceful. It wasn't too peopley, the birds were chirping, the frogs were croaking, and there was a nice breeze. I saw lots of turtles out sunning, fish swimming in the river and a few cranes standing out in the shallows. At one point I kayaked over to a log covered with turtles. Behind the log was a small body of water and something was making some loud splashes in it- maybe a big fish, or a lost fresh water shark ;)? After my kayak adventure, I took a long shower, turned on a show and worked on making end of the year awards for seminary. I think it was a well spent last day.

For the kids' last day of school, each grade was asked to wear a different color. Some nice person took pictures of all the grade levels and it was fun to see my kids and put faces to all the people they talk about. It was also neat to see how small their school really is. I love that their class sizes are so small. The boys had a science fair in school that day but I was the bad mom that ditched. I really didn't want to spend my day driving back and forth from the school and they said they were fine if I didn't come. I hope they really were ok with that and won't need therapy later on.

Friday was a super warm day so after school work was done the girls and I met their friends (Luna and Angelica) at our neighborhood beach. It was in the 80's which felt sweltering but it was nice to have my kids outside again and having fun. I got to know their friend's mom a little better and she's a nice lady. Hopefully we can get the girls together more this summer, they really are such good friends. Ben and Steven have apparently outgrown the beach. Steven didn't want to go at all and Ben came with Jacob for like 10 minutes and then left again. Maybe I just need to get them there with friends that will play in the water. The dock also wasn't out so that could have been part of the problem too. They usually like to go out on it and jump into the water.

Saturday morning the boys had to go deliver mulch as part of the ward fundraiser so the girls and I ran some errands. Lucy had a party in the afternoon and then I was the mean mom that made Steven go to the Stake Dance. We had let him miss the last few and I just felt like he needs to make some more church friends. Even though he grumbled a lot about going, I think he had a good time. He saw one of his friends from Deacon's Camp and he even got asked to dance by a girl! He said it was awkward because he didn't know how to dance but based on his expressions, I think she was a pretty girl. While Steven was away, Ben babysat so Tyler and I could go watch "The Lost City". It was nothing spectacular but it was a fun watch. It was nice to get out to the movies with just us, it's been awhile.

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