Saturday, October 2, 2021

Innovation Hills Park, Painting

 On Monday, after the kids finished their school work, we decided to go explore another park. This park was called Innovation Hills and was located in Rochester. It was really cool- had a giant tree slide, balls of ropes to climb, a little stream they could pump the water in and play in, a rope bridge, a hill to slide down, and just lots of things. The kids really enjoyed it (even Steven came) but apparently 77 degrees is too hot for them because after an hour they were just "so sweaty" and wanted to go home. Man they are Michiganders. 

Tuesday while the kids were in school I painted my bedroom. Since I had spent the weekend and Monday prepping, I was able to start painting as soon as the kids were in school. That was nice. I got a two layers in. Then after school Tyler and I went to meet the kids teachers. Since each of the kids have multiple teachers we had to split up so we could try to meet them all. It was nice to put some names to faces and to hear how things are going. I feel rather envious of these teachers with their small class sizes and only having kids in the classroom twice a week- it seems like the ideal taeching job. I also learned that Penny is doing extremely well and as I've been suspecting, first grade might be too easy for her. We're looking into maybe moving her up a level in math but we'll see. I have a feeling it will be a slow process if it does happen.

Wednesday I finished painting our room after seminary. Seminary via Zoom is definitely not my favorite thing. Most kids have their cameras off, we have a few that say their audio doesn't work and then we had one blatantly playing video games. I am ready to get back in person. Anyways after seminary and painting, I did school work with the kids. They were dragging their feet so I promised we could walk to 7-11 and I'd buy them a treat if they finished their work. This bribery sped them up and they quickly finished their work so we could go. It was mostly a good walk except I started to have bowel issues on the return walk so we did some speed walking to get home. I hate having such dumb bowels.

Thursday I cleaned the house and prepped the room for painting the trim and ceiling while the kids were at school. That evening I began painting and it was AWFUL. I HATE painting ceilings. It is physically exhausting and I am terrible at it. I kept splattering paint on my beautiful walls. Probably should've done the ceiling first, although I might have quit after that. After one coat of prime and 2 coats of white ceiling paing- the ceiling still looks streaky but I don't have the mental capacity to do another layer so it's just going to have to be that way.Here's a pic of the finished wall, trims and ceiling.

Friday after Tyler finished work, we all want to Ikea to get bedroom furniture but it ended up being an unsuccesful trip. We found 2 beds that we liked but neither one was in stock. The one I had been looking at was in stock but in person, totally disappointing. I have been hunting online since but it is hard to find something that is nice and affordable and fits what I want. I am a picky person with a small budget. 

Also when we were leaving Ikea, Lucy tripped in the parking lots and scrapped her knee. We didn't have band aides or anything so I improvised with a feminine product. They actually work quite well as band aides.

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