Sunday night was full of excitement. Just after the last session of conference a tornado siren went off. We kind of didn't believe it at first because there was absolutely no weather happening but our phones confirmed it so we headed to the basement. Of course the girls were freaking out. Tyler checked the weather radar and it appeared that the storm was going to happen way north of us so we didn't stay too long in our uncomfortable basement that seems to induce panic in the girls. Not too long after returning upstairs, a smoke alarm downstairs and a smoke alarm upstairs started going off. So loud. And of course the girls, once again, started panicking. We walked through the whole house and found no evidence of any smoke or fires of any sort so we decided to just change the batteries. No joy. They were still going off. So I checked online for the manual and learned that 3 chirps meant they were malfunctioning. Awesome. Tyler disconnected them so finally the girls calmed down and then he headed out to buy new ones. While he was out, another one upstairs started malfunctioining. What are the odds that we had 3 alarms malfunctioning at the same time? Seriously annoying but thankfully an easy fix.
Monday was a warm fall day so we decided to do a walk to the graveyard across the street after the kids finished their school work. Plus when the kids do something "active" I give them extra screen time so they're always pretty willing to go out. I use bribery way too much. Anyways it was mostly a nice walk except the path wasn't well maintained and we had to walk through some scratchy plants at one point. I ended up getting a weird rash on my arm so I must of rubbed up against some allergy inducing plant. Also Steven brought his piggies and Pearl jumped out of her carrier at one point and ended up chipping her teeth. I am truly amazed that both guinea pigs are still alive. BUT other than all that, it was really nice to be outside and enjoying the start of fall colors.

Tuesday I had the joy of having Lucy home from school because someone in her class had came down with Covid over the weekend. Mostly I think the day was extra boring for her while I did all the things I needed to do. Although she did help me pick out yellow things for a "sunshine" basket for a friend so I got a pretty interesting assortment. Tyler and I also took her to lunch at Wendy's so I think that helped make up for some of the boringness.
Tuesday night Tyler and I purchased a set of 7 lockers from someone. I am going to attempt to make them over and then put them by the front door to store all the kids' school things. Hopefully I do save some money by doing them myself and hopefully they don't look crazy ridiculous by our side door. All I know is I am going crazy with all the backpacks and books and sweaters and shoes that are always all over the place.
Wednesday morning I had to drive Penny out to Oxford for her speech evaluation. I am pretty sure they will discontinue speech services after we get the results on Monday. I don't struggle to understand her like I used to. But we shall see. It was basically an 2 hour drive round trip for a 25 minute evaluation so I am grateful these won't be a regular thing.
Wednesday evening Penny's dreams came true. She got to ride a pony! A couple in our ward have a horse and a pony and had the young men over at their ranch for an activity. I had to take Lucy to her activity so Tyler took Steven to his. I told Tyler to take Penny too and see if she could get in on the action. The couple was nice enough to let her join in. She claims she was more brave about riding than Steven...and she even did it bareback!
Thursday evening we attended one of our Seminary Student's volleyball games. It was a pink out game and this time we went all out with painting Tyler's head. Lucy came along with us but the rest of the kids stayed at home. It was a lot of fun to watch but her team lost pretty good. Still fun to be able to be there and support her.
Friday the library had it's used book sale so we went to check it out. Our neighbor, Sharon, was volunteering at it and was eager to show us around and try to help the kids find books but my kids were pretty lame about it. They seemed uninterested and wanted to just go look at the books they can check out for free. I guess that's a good thing because we do have way too many books already but I also wanted to look more for me. They were being so impatient, it was frustrating.
Friday night we delivered pizza to two of our seminary students who had earned them by taking notes and things for General Conference. We got to meet one of our student's pet rats. I am not a rat person but one her rats almost looked like a hamster so that was tolerable.
On another note, I had ended up ordering furniture from Costco for our bedroom and on Saturday Tyler took it out and set it up. We have a whole new bedroom. We even got new fancy blinds. I am pretty happy with it.
Also Saturday, Ben and Lucy won their soccer game for the first time ever and were quite proud of themselves. Lucy even got in there and kicked the ball a few times. I thought they had tied but I guess I saw things wrong so I'll give them the win.
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