Monday, October 25, 2021

Fall Y'all

On Sunday we decided to play hooky from church and go to Belle Isle. That turned out to be a poor choice. Apparently the island was closed for a marathon. So we navigated through closed roads and ended up parking as close as we could to the Detroit Riverwalk. We walked over to the Detroit River Lighthouse and tried to figure out what to do next. Apparently everything was closed Sunday (Belle Isle, our fav Detroit bookstore and the Outdoor Adventure Center. I think this was a good lesson that we should have just went to church. Anyways we ended up walking the Dequindre Cut Trail. The weather was a little chill but it was a nice walk. Overall good but I was glad we were with the men because there was a group of guys hanging out at one section, drinking and looking all kinds of sketchy.

After the walk we parted ways (we had drove in seperate cars). I took the kids home and Tyler, Mike and Grams got to go do a tour of the Detroit Masonic Temple. I think they enjoyed seeing it and learning about it and I was actually glad to be able to get some things done around the house.

Monday Mike and Grams had a flight to catch in the afternoon so we made the most of the time we had left together. We first got some more fresh doughnuts at Longs Orchard...

Then we took a nature walk at Proud Lake. One last chance for Mike and Grams to enjoy the cool weather and beautiful scenes before heading out. Also my children enjoyed shooting Mike with stick guns and trying to attack him with stick swords- they are quite violent. Hopefully all the bruises and scrapes my children gave him won't prevent him from coming back ;)

Then it was time to say goodbye. I always hate having to say goodbye to family. It's times like this that I wished we all lived in the same state. Since the kids didn't come with me, it was a quiet drive back home.

Tuesday was full of all the things: Seminary, errands, making over the lockers and catching up on household things. It was a busy day but Tyler was nice enough to buy me lunch so I did sit down for a minute. It's busy times like this that make me wish I had the kids in school full time and wasn't trying to cram all the things that need to get down into 2 days. 

Wednesday I dropped off doughnuts to Melissa as a thank you for subbing our seminary class. Apparently she had hurt a muscle in her neck and she was down for the count. She always seems to have health issues. I wonder sometimes, why that is, that some people seem to have more than their fair share of health issues. 

That evening Lucy got her chance to ride a horse for Activity Days. They really just learned about horse safety and then let the girls sit on a horse but she had a good time. She seems to get along well with all the girls in the Ward. I also chatted with one of the seminary parents and she told me how much the kids in her carpool enjoyed being with the Bloomfields and how I should ask for some tips and tricks from them. That sent me into a bit of a self doubting spiral. I struggle with confidence anyways and I am always feeling like I'm not good at teaching Seminary. When we asked the kids what they liked about being at the Bloomfields, they basically said her dog and her kids. So maybe they just liked the distractions and I shouldn't be so hard on myself?

Thursday I did some more work on the lockers and then that evening Tyler and I had a game night with the Eakins and the Bloomfields. Melissa's neck was still hurting so she was slightly loopy due to pain killers. The night was fun, even if we lost all 20 of our quarters to the loopy Bloomfields. The game essentially involved rolling dice to determine if you keep, or pass your quarters. I like games that don't involve skill because then you don't have to feel awful about losing. It's all just up to chance.

Friday night we had the Ward Trunk or Treat. This year Steven was an Identity Thief (he had people write their names on name tags and then he put the name tag on), Lucy was a unicorn, Penny was a horse and Ben was Mario. They were going to do a chili cook off for it but the primary president came down with covid after being around everyone's children Sunday so they cancelled the indoors chili cook off and just served pizza outside instead. For our trunk I made a shooting Target and hung it from the trunk. Then when kids came to our trunk they had to stand behind the target and Tyler threw candy at them. Kids are weird and they all thought this was fun. Unfortunately I planned poorly and didn't have enough candy bars so I had to go steal some from my kids. I was trying out full size candy bars this year because I am tired of always having so much candy leftover but I guess if I am going to do that in the future I will need more...not sure if we're that rich ;)

Saturday Ben and Lucy had their very last soccer game. Unfortunately they lost 3 to 4 but it was still a better season than last year. I feel like they had better coaches. I am glad the season is over because it sure was getting cold outside.

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