Saturday, May 1, 2021

Catching Up

After a good night's sleep it was right back to life in Micigan. We had in person church that morning where we are now able to meet in a group of 100 (instead of 75) so that was nice to see more people. Then we had our YW's lesson virtually which ran kind of short but that's ok because after it I met with the presidency so we could dole out assignments for our flower fundraiser. It took two hours to assign everyone. So much work trying to consider locations and abilities of the youth (and their families). Since the meeting ran into dinner time, Tyler was nice enough to grill up some hamburgers. 

Monday it was back to homeschooling. Tyler had told me how great the kids were while I was away- no complaining and hard working. Ha. They were pretty much their usual selves but it was nice to be back at it. The girls and I read a book called the 10 Little Rubber Ducks and then watched a video about the real event that it was based on- when a storm happened and 29,000 ducks fell off a cargo ship and into the ocean. We had a lot of fun learning about the real event and they actually didn't seem to mind too much writing about it. Steven started using an app called DuoLingo, that my aunt introduced to me, for learning Spanish and seems to be enjoying it (and hopefully learning Spanish in the process). And Ben and I started reading a book this week called All Thirteen which is about a Soccer Team that got stuck in a cave. It's been super interesting and good bonding time for us. I am really trying to work on being a more involved mom- spending more time with the kids instead of hiding away in my room on breaks.

Tuesday I had a dentist appointment. I hate going to the dentist. My teeth have not been bothering me so I was hopeful that meant everything was ok, but of course not. I have  crown that needs to be replaced and a cavity that needs a filling. I am already feeling anxious about getting that work down. All the tastes, sounds, and uncomfortableness. Boo.

That afternoon I grabbed Caroline's kids and took them to the park. She had been in ER the night before for a stomach issues so she needed some rest. Most of the kids play so well together but watching Lizzie is rough. She barrels everywhere, doesn't look where she is going and will push kids that get in her way. After chasing after her for awhile at the park I got tired and there was another mom at the park that I knew so I started chatting with her. Penny happened to be playing with Lizzie and when I went to see how things were going she asked me if she would get paid for watching Lizzie. Well played. I promised her a treat if she would continue to watch Lizzie. That was worth the cost of a treat. She did good and I had a good chat with my friend. After awhile all the kids got hot. Spring weather is so crazy. The day before had been in the 40's so when Tuesday's temps almost hit 80 we were all melting.

Wednesday Steven had to write an epilogue to a story he had read and you would have thought it would kill him. It took him several hours to write two paragraphs. It was a brutal school day. That evening we had a combined ym and yw activity at a park. It was so nice to be in person with everyone. They took turns answering different questions that people had about our church. They are making a video for the missionaries' Facebook page. Meanwhile we all got to socialize and learn just how awkward we've all become at it since quarantine began ;)

Thursday afternoon I ran errands with Penny who is always such a character in public. Loudly commenting at things and throwing out evil cackles for no reason. She said to me at one point, "Do you know why I said I would come with you?" I said, "Because you wanted candy?" (Usually an outing with a parent equals a treat) She said, "No, because I wanted to keep you company." I was glad for her company. Even though the errands took much longer, it was fun to have "her company":).

Friday Caroline came in the morning and after a month long hiatus from piano lessons due to covid and traveling, the kids finally had a lesson. I will be so glad to finally hear them play some new songs. She also left her boys for us to watch for the weekend because Andrea had a dance competition 5 hours away. It certainly was a noisy day but I did get the Steven and David to walk down to Kroger's and get a gallon of milk, that saved me a trip! And mostly they all play well together so that's nice. That night Steven, Ben and David stayed up and watched "The Village." They joked around during most of it so I don't think it scared them much but it was a fun evening.

Today, Saturday, Ben is off at soccer and then this evening I am having a little graduation party for my yw seniors. The weather looks windy and a little chilly so I might be evil and hold it in my house, even though that is a no no with the church. But since I am buying the dinner maybe we will just not call it a church activity and it's just me having some friends over...? 

And a pic of Penny being crabby when I took a picture with her...

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