Saturday, May 29, 2021

Angry Eyebrows

Last Sunday we had our special Stake Conference and got our new Stake President. He is from our Ward and we know him well, President Day. He's a good guy and will make a good Stake President. Tyler's biggest concern is now that someone in the stake knows us, we have more potential of getting stake callings. I don't know, nothing has come to us yet so only time will tell. I was actually, weirdly hopeful that we could become the new Seminary teachers since this was President Day's  previous calling but apparently we aren't in a good location in relation to all the high schools. The early mornings would be rough but I would love teaching with Tyler so I am feeling bummed. I think I am just ready for a calling change.

Monday we had nothing going on in the evening so I decided we should go for a nature walk at West Bloomfield Nature Preserve. I was craving some family time. As we got ready to go out, everyone was grumbly and not wanting to go and fighting and I was really regretting my decision. The drive was not much better. But once we got there I am glad we chose to go. The weather was beautiful, the woods were gorgeous, and we saw a bunch of deer. Then the kids discovered these happy faces someone had made on rocks and decided to add angry eyebrows to all of them. It ended up being a lot of fun despite the rocky start.

Can you spot the deer in the background?

Tuesday I finally got my permanent crown so now I can eat all the sticky foods again without any worries. I had my hair braided in 2 pigtails that day and oddly got a compliment on my hair from the lady up front and from the Dental Assistant. So apparently I should try to make myself look more youthful more often. The Dental Assistant was kind of awkward about it (he's a young guy) and asked me if I did something different with my hair- I've only seen him twice- before he complimented me. 

Wednesday for our young women's activity we helped at a local church's garden. Since we haven't had a ton of girls lately, we invited a few of the ym (Steven,Dax and David). Unfortunately the ym's program has been pretty lax lately and they do not have frequent activities so I was glad that Steven could come to ours, even though he was super grumbly about coming. I do think once there, they all had a lot of fun hanging out and planting pumpkins. Afterwards I arranged for us all to go to McDonalds for ice cream (which was sort of breaking current activity regulations) but it turned into an epic flop. The line was giant and once we got through- they told us they were out of ice cream. It was super depressing. So now we totally owe all the yw an ice cream treat.

Thursday the weather was cool so we met up with the May's at Scarlet's Park. I have been grumbly about things lately so it was good to get out with a friend and get some fresh air. I am glad we enjoyed the weather that day because Friday was super cold and rainy. On Friday I got to go see "The Quiet Place 2" with Ben, and Steven and their friends David and Andrea. It was entertaining but I don't feel like it really answered any questions from the previous movie and it just added to the plot holes. But still worth watching and the boys really enjoyed it.

Friday evening I took Alissa (our yw's class pres) over to Aleahna's to wish her a happy birthday. We ended up taking her to get hot chocolate (per her Grandma's suggestion). She never attends anything so it was good for her and Alissa to spend time together, I think they had a lot of fun. I mostly felt like the weird adult chaperone trying to play it cool. 

I cleaned the house Friday evening so I could be a complete bum and sleep in Saturday. It was a good choice. After I finally got out of bed it was time to take Steven to a birthday party in Milford. I decided to take all the kids with me so that after we dropped him off, the rest of us went to the park and the bakery. The weather was still cool but not too cold so it was a great day to be outside eating cookies and playing.

And let's end with a funny story....I made this Tex Mex Pizza for the first time, which was actually really tasty but of course, my picky kids didn't love it. Lucy's comment was "My worst nightmares are everywhere"- this was in reference to the black beans that were on it. I decided to take a picture of her and letter it. Turned out real nice ;)

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